Revision history for Data-Couplet

0.02004314 2011-10-28T14:54:15Z
 - changed: runtime requires Moose 0.84 -> 0.90
 - dropped: runtime requires MooseX::Has::Sugar

 - Added (private) accessors for everything moose can do on the ::Private
   core. This is soley to discourage consumers from accesing the hash
   internals directly to provide better encapsulation. Maybe one day
   ::Private will be entirely replaced with XS and you want it to remain
 - Added a basic Type Library, Data::Couplet::Types

0.02004313 2011-10-28T14:24:40Z
 - Maintenance release, no non-packaging changes in this release.

 - Data::Dumper

 - Test::use::ok
 - ok

 - packages now set $VERSION without 'our'
 - packages now have $AUTHORITY

 - Much needed regeneration of Build.PL
 - Changes file migrated to CPAN::Changes format.
 - Copyright License updated ( Date, Indentation, Address )
 - No longer ships a Makefile.PL ( EUMM Sucks )
 - perlcriticrc -> perlcritic.rc
 - Moved to Git versioning
 - moved to Author::KENTNL
 - Repository metadata more featureful and uses https://
 - license is now 'perl_5' not 'perl'
 - dependencies now properly qualified.
 - now ship x_authority.
 - Pod overhaulled and rewoven.
 - Ship .perltidyrc
 - Tidy all code.

 - added version reporting test.
 - t/* moved to xt/*
 - hand-written xt/* replaced by generated ones.
 - xt:added release/cpan-changes
 - xt:added release/distmeta
 - xt:added release/eol
 - xt:added release/kwalitee
 - xt:added release/pod-coverage
 - xt:added release/pod-syntax

0.02004312 2009-09-13T12:20:00Z
 - Moved last_id to last_index ( was a bad name anyway )
 - Added ->indices to the KeyCount plug. 
 - Added KeyPlug tests.
 - This is a minor release to tweak -last_index prior to S::F release

0.02004302 2009-09-13T02:06:26Z
 - Added a Ease-Of-Use subclassing utility.
 - Moved D::C core to the subclassing utility.
 - Added subclassing example.

0.02004222 2009-09-12T22:23:22Z
 - Added a plugin infrastructure w/ Roles.
 - Moved ->count to role composition ( you wont notice this )
 - Increased input strictness with really basic MX::Types based input
   validation. ( if you're going to be using _key or _at methods, use them
   properly ! :) )
 - Added ->last_id via Counter plug.
 - Moved the non-working sorting routines to a plug. Maybe they'll see some
   love there.

0.02004206 2009-09-12T06:01:08Z
 - Support for multiple-value commands ( Thanks James Laver )
 - Support for ->count() mechanism     ( Thanks James Laver )

0.02003813 2009-09-08T13:10:54Z
 - Clone Support works and tested.
 - Clones are MX::Cloned, and deep.
 - minor++ # version scheme incompatible
 - dist.ini now shipping with dist
 - DZIL CompileTests
 - Versioning Scheme switched to AutoVersion::Relative
 - Added MooseX::Clone support
 - Added MooseX::Types Deps
 - Added MooseX::Has::Sugar Deps
 - Added more author tests
 - Assload of Typos Fixed

0.0101 2009-08-22T10:09:57Z
 - Fixed some build deps

0.0100 2009-08-21T16:24:40Z
 - First version.