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Revision history for Perl extension Date::Convert::French_Rev.
0.09 Primidi 1st Vendémiaire CCXXIX, jour du raisin, new year's day (Tuesday 22 September 2020)
- fix a few typos in the feasts names (thank you Gérald)
- add a few entries in the "SEE ALSO" chapter (thank you Gérald)
- tidy up the documentation, for example replacing http:// by https:// whenever possible
- start a deprecation process for the %L strftime specifier
- check the scripts in the eg subdirectory
0.08 Tridi 23 Thermidor CCXXIII, jour de la lentille (Monday 2015-08-10,
which, according to the Gregorian calendar, is the 223rd anniversary
of the storming of the Tuileries palace)
- fix prerequisite: Date::Convert 0.16 is fine, 0.14 is not.
Actually, RT ticket 90470 was prematurely and erroneously declared
as "fixed".
- improve the documentation of method "change_to".
- add more tests
0.07 Décadi 10 Thermidor CCXXIII, jour de l'arrosoir (Tuesday 2015-07-28, also
the 221st anniversary of Robespierre's death)
- fix prerequisite: Date::Convert 0.16 is fine, 0.14 is not (RT ticket 90470)
- test file to check the parameter checks (mistakenly not included in 0.06)
- a few documentation fixes
- fix the mojibake bug (similar to RT ticket 100311 for DT::C::FR)
- add an alternate API to convert from French Revolutionary to other calendar
0.06 Octidi 18 Brumaire CCXXII, jour de la dentelaire (Friday 2013-11-08, also
the 214th anniversary of Bonaparte's coup agains the Directorate)
- kwalitee issues: license, style, META.{yml,json}
- use UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1, use spaces instead of tabs
- more tests, more modern tests
0.05 Nonidi 9 Floréal CCXI, jour de la jacinthe (Monday 2003-04-28)
- last version compatible with Date::Convert, next one will
be in the DateTime::Calendar namespace, compatible with DateTime.pm
- I had always believed that the additional days were not called
Primidi, Duodi etc. But I have found a document where they are
called Primidi etc. The bug in the module is fixed.
0.04 Tridi 13 Fructidor CCX, jour de l'épine-vinette (Friday 2002-08-30)
- reorganise the directory structure along Matt Sergeant's tips
- include the 4000-modulus rule for leap years (according to emacs-21.2)
- reorganise the absolute → FR conversion
- rephrase the README file
- add the prerequisite for Date::Convert in Makefile.PL (the
use statement and the @ISA array are not sufficient)
- add a few examples in the eg/ subdirectory
- fix a few bugs: $_ was squashed by date_string, the month value
was not checked
- compatibility with diagnostics-1.2
0.03 Décadi 20 Thermidor CCIX, jour de l'écluse (Tuesday 2001-08-07)
- rewrite the Changes file, with proper dates
- it seems that the 4th additional day should rather be "jour
de l'opinion"
- reformat the code
0.02 Nonidi 19 Prairial CCIX, jour du tilleul (Thursday 2001-06-07)
- add the prerequisite for Roman.pm in Makefile.PL
- extend the "SEE ALSO" section
0.01 Quartidi 4 Prairial CCIX, jour de l'angélique (Wednesday 2001-05-23)
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19