Revision history for DateTime-Format-Atom

1.8.0   - Corrected the version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker that's required.

1.6.0   2024-01-21
        - Added missing Perl v5.10 requirement.
        - Updated the version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker that's required.

1.4.0   2024-01-01
        - Fixed bug tracker information.
        - Misc internal improvements.

1.2.0   2015-10-09
        No functional changes.
        Updated to adopt the conventions used by my other modules.
        A few tests were added, and a repository information was added.

1.0.2   2011-03-28
        Specified license more explicitly.

1.0.1   2009-01-07
        Documentation formatting fixes.

1.0.0   2009-01-05
        Initial version