Revision history for Perl module Devel-Leak-Object
1.02 2020-01-11 06:49:29Z
- converted packaging to Dist::Zilla
- fix tests to avoid conflicts with other installed modules (RT#131249)
1.01 2010-06-16
- Upgraded to Module::Install::DSL 0.99
- warn rather than die for objects that don't conform to our assumptions
- list tracked source line only once
- list the next caller in the stack if bless is called by the class's new()
- add a checkpoint() status which lists new classes created (and not destroyed) since the last call to checkpoint()
1.00 2009-10-22
- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.91
- Switching to a prod version (finally)
- Optionally track where leaked objects come from
- Fix dumping to STDERR at END (previously dumped to STDOUT)
- Tests for that
0.92 2007-12-11
- Updating to Module::Install 0.68
- Updating to newer bundled tests
0.91 2007-09-14
- Lexically disable warnings when overwriting DESTROY methods
- Fixing a test
0.90 2007-08-29
- Taken over maintenance and rewritten from scratch, using Scalar::Util
- Now supports all types of objects, including IO and REF
- Supports classes which overload stringification.
- Support a couple more evil corner cases relating to SUPER::DESTROY
- Accelerated and cached the DESTROY-time search for the DESTROY super-method
0.02 2004-09-21
- Remove call to Hook::LexWrap as this is not what is needed in
this module. Do own wrapping.
0.01 2004-09-11
- Initial version.