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# ABSTRACT: profile aggregation result
use strict;
use File::Glob qw(bsd_glob);
sub shards {
my ($class, $root_dir) = @_;
my $state_dir = state_dir({root_dir => $root_dir});
my @files = bsd_glob File::Spec::Functions::catfile($state_dir, 'shard.*');
return map m{[/\\]shard\.([^/\\]+)$}, @files;
sub new {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $self = bless {
root_dir => $opts{root_directory},
shard => $opts{shard},
shards => $opts{shards} || [$opts{shard}],
flamegraph => $opts{flamegraph},
serializer => $opts{serializer} || 'storable',
source => undef,
sourcemap => undef,
metadata => undef,
genealogy => undef,
last_sample => undef,
fetchers => $opts{fetchers},
now => time,
timebox => $opts{timebox},
}, $class;
return $self;
sub merged_report {
my ($self, $report_id, $map_source) = @_;
my $res = $self->_fresh_report(mixed_process => 1);
# TODO fix this incestuous relation
$res->{source} = $self->{source};
$res->{sourcemap} = $self->{sourcemap};
$res->{genealogy} = $self->{genealogy};
my $first = 1;
for my $shard (@{$self->{shards}}) {
my $data_glob = File::Spec::Functions::catfile($self->{root_dir}, $report_id, "report.*.$shard");
my $metadata = File::Spec::Functions::catfile($self->{root_dir}, $report_id, "metadata.$shard");
for my $data (bsd_glob $data_glob) {
my $report = $first ? $res : $self->_fresh_report;
$res->merge($report) if !$first && $report->{tick}; # TODO add accessor
$first = 0;
if (-f $metadata) {
$res->map_source if $map_source;
return $res;
sub merged_report_metadata {
my ($self, $report_id) = @_;
my $res = Devel::StatProfiler::Metadata->new(
serializer => $self->{serializer},
root_directory => $self->{root_dir},
shard => $self->{shard},
for my $shard (@{$self->{shards}}) {
my $metadata = File::Spec::Functions::catfile($self->{root_dir}, $report_id, "metadata.$shard");
if (-f $metadata) {
return $res;
sub _fresh_report {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
return Devel::StatProfiler::Report->new(
flamegraph => $self->{flamegraph},
serializer => $self->{serializer},
sources => 0,
root_directory => $self->{root_dir},
shard => $self->{shard},
mixed_process => $opts{mixed_process} // $self->{mixed_process},
fetchers => $self->{fetchers},
suffix => $opts{suffix} // '',
sub _all_reports {
my ($self, @dirs) = @_;
my @reports = grep {
$_ eq '__main__' || $_ !~ /^__/
} map File::Basename::basename($_),
grep -d $_,
map bsd_glob($_ . '/*'),
my %uniq; @uniq{@reports} = ();
return keys %uniq;
sub all_reports { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_all_reports($self->{root_dir}) }
sub all_unmerged_reports { my ($self) = @_; return $self->_all_reports($self->{parts_dir}) }
sub discard_expired_process_data {
my ($self, $expiration) = @_;
my @shards = __PACKAGE__->shards($self->{root_dir});
my $aggregator = __PACKAGE__->new(
root_directory => $self->{root_dir},
shards => \@shards,
serializer => $self->{serializer},
my $last_sample = $aggregator->{last_sample};
my $genealogy = $aggregator->{genealogy};
my @queue = keys %{$self->{last_sample}};
while (@queue) {
my %updated;
for my $process_id (@queue) {
my $parent = $genealogy->{$process_id}{1};
my $parent_id = $parent->[0];
unless ($parent_id) {
# warn "Broken genealogy: '$process_id' has no parent";
next if $parent_id eq "00" x 24;
$updated{$parent_id} = undef;
$last_sample->{$parent_id} = $last_sample->{$process_id}
if ($last_sample->{$parent_id} // 0) < $last_sample->{$process_id};
@queue = keys %updated;
for my $process_id (keys %$genealogy) {
next if ($last_sample->{$process_id} // 0) > $expiration;
# garbage-collect process-related metadata, under the
# assumption that if that neither the process nor its childs
# produced any samples in the given timeframe, they are "dead"
delete $self->{genealogy}{$process_id};
delete $self->{last_sample}{$process_id};
# TODO Garbage-collect eval source code
write_data($self, state_dir($self), 'genealogy', $self->{genealogy})
if $self->{genealogy};
write_data($self, state_dir($self), 'last_sample', $self->{last_sample})
if $self->{last_sample};
sub report_names {
my ($self) = @_;
my @dirs = grep $_ ne '__state__' && $_ ne '__source__',
map File::Basename::basename($_),
grep -d $_,
bsd_glob File::Spec::Functions::catfile($self->{root_dir}, '*');
return \@dirs;
# temporary during refactoring
*_load_all_metadata = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_all_metadata;
*_load_metadata = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_metadata;
*_load_genealogy = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_genealogy;
*_load_last_sample = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_last_sample;
*_load_source = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_source;
*_load_sourcemap = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_load_sourcemap;
*_merge_genealogy = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_merge_genealogy;
*_merge_last_sample = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_merge_last_sample;
*_clone_genealogy = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::_clone_genealogy;
*global_metadata = \&Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregator::global_metadata;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Devel::StatProfiler::Aggregate - profile aggregation result
=head1 VERSION
version 0.53
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Mattia Barbon <>
=item *
Steffen Mueller <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Mattia Barbon, Steffen Mueller.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.