use strict;
use Carp;
=head1 NAME
=head1 NOTA BENE
This is part of the guts of Device::CableModem::Zoom5341. If you're
reading this, you're either developing the module, writing tests, or
coloring outside the lines; consider yourself warned.
=head2 ->parse_connrow_vals
Parses out stuff from connection status rows related to up/downstream
sub parse_connrow_vals
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift;
croak "No HTML stashed" unless $self->{conn_html};
# Find the JS row
my @row = grep /^var $str = /, @{$self->{conn_html}};
croak "Bad row results for '$str'" unless @row == 1;
# Pull out just the string
my ($sval) = ($row[0] =~ /"([^"]+)";/);
# And return it split on pipes
my @flds = split /\|/, $sval;
return \@flds;
=head2 ->parse_conn_stats
Parse out all the connection status bits.
sub parse_conn_stats
my $self = shift;
$self->fetch_connection unless $self->{conn_html};
croak "No HTML stashed" unless $self->{conn_html};
# First grab all the data out of the JS bits
my %dbits = (
freq => 'CmDownstreamFrequencyBase',
mod => 'CmDownstreamQamBase',
power => 'CmDownstreamChannelPowerdBmVBase',
snr => 'CmDownstreamSnrBase',
my %ubits = (
chanid => 'CmUpstreamChannelIdBase',
freq => 'CmUpstreamFrequencyBase',
bw => 'CmUpstreamBwBase',
power => 'CmUpstreamChannelPowerBase',
$self->{conn_stats}{down}{$_} = $self->parse_connrow_vals($dbits{$_})
for keys %dbits;
$self->{conn_stats}{up}{$_} = $self->parse_connrow_vals($ubits{$_})
for keys %ubits;
# Now empty out up/down channels as necessary
my $ds = $self->{conn_stats}{down};
for my $i (0..$#{$ds->{freq}})
unless($ds->{freq}[$i] > 0)
undef($ds->{$_}[$i]) for keys %dbits
my $us = $self->{conn_stats}{up};
for my $i (0..$#{$us->{chanid}})
unless($us->{chanid}[$i] > 0)
undef($us->{$_}[$i]) for keys %ubits
=head1 SEE ALSO
You should probably be looking at L<Device::CableModem::Zoom5341>