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# create_tree.t
# Copyright (c) 2007 Jonathan Rockway <>
use Test::More tests => 14;
use strict;
my $tmp = Directory::Scratch->new;
ok($tmp, 'created $tmp');
eval { $tmp->create_tree() };
ok(!$@, 'creating an empty tree works');
is(scalar $tmp->ls, 0, 'no files created');
my %tree = ( foo => 'foo',
'bar/baz' => 'this is bar/baz',
'quux' => 'this is quux',
'lines' => ['lots', 'of', 'lines'],
'dir' => \undef,
foreach my $file (keys %tree){
ok($tmp->exists($file), "$file exists")
ok(-d $tmp->exists('bar'), 'bar is a directory');
ok(-d $tmp->exists('dir'), 'dir is a dir');
foreach my $file (keys %tree){
is_deeply([$tmp->read($file)], [$tree{$file}],
"$file contains expected text")
unless ref $tree{$file};
is_deeply($tree{lines}, [$tmp->read('lines')], 'read lines');