Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenShellCompletion
0.11 2016-04-20 (PERLANCAR)
- Remove dependency to Perl::osnames in the generated Makefile.PL
code snippet.
0.10 2016-02-29 (PERLANCAR)
- Use shcompgen generate's remove option (but check that only
App::shcompgen 0.15+ supports this). Also note that $ in Makefile
needs to be escaped into double dollars.
0.09 2015-03-25 (PERLANCAR)
- [Bugfix] Should've used PrereqSource role to register prereq, not
0.08 2015-03-25 (PERLANCAR)
- [Bugfix] Don't add prereq to Perl::osnames if there are no
scripts in the dist and we are not adding stuffs to Makefile.PL
0.07 2014-12-18 (PERLANCAR)
- [Bugfix] apparently we need to register prereq Perl::osnames for
phase configure, not build.
0.06 2014-12-18 (PERLANCAR)
- Skip non-POSIX OS for now (ref:
0.05 2014-12-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Forgot to add --replace option to shcompgen during install phase.
0.04 2014-12-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Rename module/dist from DZP-Rinci-InstallCompletion to
DZP-GenShellCompletion because this plugin is actually not
- Replace the use of bash-completion-prog with shcompgen (which supports
multiple shells and make it possible to activate completion in the
current shell instead of waiting to start a new shell).
0.03 2014-11-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Increase perl minver to 5.10.1 [CT].
0.02 2014-11-09 (PERLANCAR)
- Skip adding code to Makefile.PL if there are no scripts/execfiles
in the dist.
- Revise doc (mention Getopt::Long::Complete,
0.01 2014-11-08 (PERLANCAR)
- First release.