Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Keywords
0.007 2016-04-24 20:49:42Z
- do not decode the already-decoded strings from PPI, now that
Dist::Zilla::Role::PPI is fixed (in 6.003)
0.006 2014-08-16 02:49:06Z
- soften the diagnostic string from always bleating it to only when
--verbose is set
0.005 2014-05-04 03:56:25Z
- no longer adding an empty arrayref to metadata if there is no
data to add
- properly handle utf8 (or other)-encoded keyword strings
0.004 2014-03-16 09:04:34Z
- bump dependency on Dist::Zilla to get a minor fix in the PPI role
0.003 2014-03-14 15:35:22Z
- properly extract keywords from other comments than the first one
in the module
0.002 2014-03-13 12:33:31Z
- now also adds keywods from a "KEYWORDS:" comment in the main
0.001 2014-03-12 15:14:03Z
- Initial release.