Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MungeFile-WithConfigFile

0.005     2018-04-25 23:07:32Z
          - normalize paths before using (fix for upcoming Dist::Zilla 7.000)

0.004     2015-08-19 01:26:05Z
          - split off much of this distribution into
            Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MungeFile, for greater visibility

0.003     2015-08-18 02:17:09Z
          - some documentation fixes
          - documented the limitations with respect to file decodings
          - updated some bits of the distribution packaging

0.002     2014-01-28 03:41:49Z
          - add missing test dependency to read config files

0.001     2014-01-27 01:30:05Z
          - Initial release.