Release history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile-PerModule

0.004000 2017-03-03T06:03:26Z c739100
 - Stable release for changes 0.003900-0.003902

 - New template helper "quoted"
 - Improved quoting in generated tests
 - New template varible "relpath"
 - New template "02-raw-require.t"
 - Generated tests no longer succeptible to "." missing from @INC

0.003902 2017-02-28T23:57:38Z f5d29d9
 - New templated helper 'quoted' for escaping strings more sensibly. haarg++
 - Test templates now use improved quoting.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.003901, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - runtime: +1

0.003901 2017-02-28T03:42:06Z a5e9632
 - New test template 02-raw-require.t

 - Dependencies changed since 0.003900, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - test: ↓1

0.003900 2017-02-28T02:09:54Z 61cd404
 - New variable "relpath" that includes the file path with "lib" stripped if present, or with "./" prepended otherwise.

 - Use properly relativized paths to require_ok to avoid bugs with "no . in @INC"
 - Closes:

 - Dependencies changed since 0.003000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - configure: +1 (recommends: +1 ↑1)
 - develop: +17 ↑3 -3 (recommends: +1, suggests: ↑2)
 - runtime: ↓1 -2 (recommends: +2)
 - test: +1 -1 (recommends: ↑1 ↓1)

 - Drop use of ConfigDumper
 - Stop using dztest in tests

0.003000 2014-09-14T14:02:09Z
 - Fixed 'file' and 'files' arguments going nowhere due to wrong mvp aliasing.
 - use 5.8 compatible posix classes.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.002002, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: +1 ↑1 (suggests: ↑2)
 - runtime: +1
 - test: +4 (recommends: ↑1)

 - Implement dump_config with ConfigDumper

 - set author = kentnl

 - Add reasonably comprehensive feature tests.

0.002002 2014-08-15T21:20:26Z
 [00 Trivial]
 - no code changes.
 - tests augmented.
 - whitespace adjusted.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.002001, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - configure: ↓1
 - develop: +1 (suggests: ↑1)
 - test: -4 (recommends: ↑1 -2)

 - Improve source side POD to reduce build side whitespace.

 - Update test::reportprereqs

0.002001 2014-07-17T23:32:23Z
 [00 Trivial]
 - Misc packaging cleanups

 - Dependencies changed since 0.002000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - configure: ↑1 (recommends: ↑1)
 - develop: +3 -3 (suggests: +2 -1)
 - test: +2 ↑1 (recommends: +1 ↑1)

0.002000 2014-04-13T03:23:15Z
 [00 Major]
 - Toolking Switched to EUMM.soft

 - 5.008 : 199 → 202
 - 5.010 : 177 → 182
 - 5.019 : 161 → 160

 - Dependencies changed since 0.001001, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: -1
 - configure: +2 -1 (recommends: +1)
 - develop: +7 ↑1 -9
 - runtime: +1 ↑1
 - test: +4 ↓1 (recommends: +4)

0.001001 2013-11-13T10:47:34Z
 [00 Bugfix]
 - Fix sort order of files in metadata
 - Properly remove indirect develop dependence on Test::Compile

 - Dependencies changed since 0.001000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +1 ↑1 -1

0.001000 2013-11-11T09:33:58Z
 - First version. Not feature compatible with Test::Compile