use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::DZil; use Test::Deep; use Test::Fatal; use Path::Tiny; use List::Util 'first'; my $tzil = Builder->from_config( { dist_root => 't/does_not_exist' }, { add_files => { path(qw(source dist.ini)) => simple_ini( 'GatherDir', # a file gatherer (adds OnDisk file) 'PodSyntaxTests', # a file gatherer (adds InMemory file) 'Manifest', # a file gatherer (adds FromCode file) # a file munger that changes content [ PkgVersion => { finder => ':AllFiles' } ], 'ExtraTests', # a file munger that changes filename ), path(qw(source lib DZT => "package DZT::Sample;\n\n1", }, }, ); $tzil->chrome->logger->set_debug(1); is( exception { $tzil->build }, undef, 'build proceeds normally', ) or diag 'saw log messages: ', explain $tzil->log_messages; my $module = first { $_->name eq path(qw(lib DZT } @{ $tzil->files }; cmp_deeply( $module, methods( added_by => all( re(qr/\bencoded_content added by GatherDir \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir line \d+\)(;|$)/), re(qr/\bcontent set by PkgVersion \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion line \d+\)(;|$)/), ), ), 'OnDisk file added by GatherDir, set by PkgVersion has correct properties', ); my $test = first { $_->name eq path(qw(t author-pod-syntax.t)) } @{ $tzil->files }; cmp_deeply( $test, methods( added_by => all( re(qr/^content added by PodSyntaxTests \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InlineFiles line \d+\)(;|$)/), re(qr/\bcontent set by ExtraTests \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExtraTests line \d+\)(;|$)/), re(qr/\bfilename set by ExtraTests \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExtraTests line \d+\)(;|$)/), ), ), 'InMemory file altered by all of PodSyntaxTests, PkgVersion and ExtraTests has correct properties', ); my $manifest = first { $_->name eq path('MANIFEST') } @{ $tzil->files }; cmp_deeply( $manifest, methods( added_by => re(qr/^bytes from coderef added by Manifest \(Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest line \d+\)$/), ), 'FromCode file added by Manifest has correct properties', ); done_testing;