Revision history for Email-Assets

0.10	22/01/2015
	- strip trailing whitespace & all newlines from output 
        - additional pod fixes

0.09    22/01/2015
	- add attachments method
        - add missing test requirement for Test::Differences
        - set mime part content disposition as attachment, and allow option to specify
        - more pod

0.08    20/01/2015
	- fix handling base64 added assets

0.07    19/01/2015
        -fix missing pre-req on Data::UUID

0.06    15/01/2015
	- include missing image for tests

0.05    15/01/2015
        - fixed chdir causing issues with paths
        - added option to use base64 urlsafe decode when adding base64 encoded assets

0.04   - fixed error when calling to_mime_parts
       - fixed pod for include_base64

0.03    09/01/2015
        - improved mime handling

0.02    08/01/2015
        - added new include_base64 method
        - fixed missing MIME::Lite pre-req

0.01    02/01/2015 
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.