Revision history for Email-IsEmail
3.04.8 2016-10-02/0:15
remove perlbug e-mail
3.04.7 2016-10-01/23:37
Excluded MYMETA.* from tarball
3.04.6 2016-09-27/21:29
Added META.json/yaml to tarball
3.04.5 2016-09-23/12:20
Fixed more tests: disabled policy ProhibitAccessOfPrivateData.
3.04.4 2016-09-22/13:00
Fixed tests: disabled policy OTRS.
3.04.3 2016-09-21/12:11
Fixed POD and Perl::Critic::Policy::Perlsecret errors
added tests for invalid E-mails, fixed IPv6 errors
3.04.2 2016-09-20/23:54
Removed local::lib from tests, typos, docs.
3.04.1 2016-09-13/20:29
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.