Revision history for Email-Sender-Transport-SQLite

1.501     2022-12-31 21:08:45-05:00 America/New_York
        - update author contact info

1.500     2021-06-20 20:31:52-04:00 America/New_York
        - update version number for bookkeeping reasons

0.092004  2021-06-20 17:22:56-04:00 America/New_York
        - update author contact info
        - add perl support section to docs

0.092003  2016-08-10 11:15:47-04:00 America/New_York
          add retrieve_deliveries method to get deliveries back out of db

0.092002  2013-08-22 17:20:14 America/New_York
          update repo and bugtracker

0.092001  2013-03-02 15:43:49 America/New_York
          convert to Moo

0.092000  2011-10-15 18:09:14 Asia/Tokyo
          repackage to get META.yml

0.091660  2009-06-15
          refactor for interop with Email::Sender 0.091661

0.002     2009-03-24
          require latest Sender for moosification

0.001     2008-12-10
          split out of Email-Sender