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use v5.12.0;
use Test::More tests => 31;
use_ok 'Email::Simple';
use_ok 'Email::Simple::Creator';
sub tested_email {
my ($name, %args) = @_;
my $email = Email::Simple->create(%args);
isa_ok $email, 'Email::Simple', "$name message";
my $string = $email->as_string;
my @last_two = (
substr($string, -2, 1),
substr($string, -1, 1),
sprintf("%03u %03u", map { ord } @last_two),
'013 010',
"$name: stringified message ends with std CRLF"
"$name: message has no LF that aren't preceded by CR",
return $email;
my $body = "This body uses\x0d"
. "LF only, and not\x0d"
. "CRLF like it might ought to do.";
tested_email(crlf =>
body => $body,
header => [
Subject => 'all tests and no code make rjbs something something',
From => 'jack',
To => 'sissy',
{ # should get an automatic date header
my $email = tested_email(auto_date =>
header => [
To => 'you',
body => 'test test',
qr/^[A-Z][a-z]{2},/, # lame -- rjbs, 2007-02-23
"we got an auto-generated date header starting with a DOW",
{ # who needs args? (why is this legal? who knows -- rjbs, 2007-07-13)
my $email = tested_email('argless');
qr/^[A-Z][a-z]{2},/, # lame -- rjbs, 2007-02-23
"we got an auto-generated date header starting with a DOW",
{ # no need to add CRLF if it's there
my $email = tested_email(has_crlf =>
header => [
To => 'you',
body => "test test\x0d\x0a",
{ # no date header, we provided one
my $email = tested_email(has_date =>
header => [
Date => 'testing',
'X-Header' => 'one',
'X-Header' => 'two',
'X-Header' => 'three',
body => q[This is a multi-
line message.],
my $expected = <<'END_MESSAGE';
Date: testing
X-Header: one
X-Header: two
X-Header: three
This is a multi-
line message.
my $string = $email->as_string;
$string =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\n/gsm;
"we got just the string we expected",
{ # a few headers with false values
my $email = tested_email(falsies =>
header => [
Date => undef,
Zero => 0,
Empty => '',
body => "The body is uninteresting.",
[ $email->header_pairs ],
Date => '',
Zero => 0,
Empty => '',
"got the false headers back we want",
my $expected = <<'END_MESSAGE';
Zero: 0
The body is uninteresting.
my $string = $email->as_string;
$string =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\n/gsm;
"we got just the string we expected",
{ # no date header, we provided one
my @warnings;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0] };
my $email = tested_email(has_date =>
header => [
Date => 'testing',
'X-Header' => "foo\n\nbar",
body => q[This is a single-line message.],
is(@warnings, 1, "there was one warning");
like($warnings[0], qr/vertical whitespace/, 'and it was about \v characters');
my $expected = <<'END_MESSAGE';
Date: testing
X-Header: foo bar
This is a single-line message.
my $string = $email->as_string;
$string =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\n/gsm;
"we got just the string we expected",