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use strict;
use Config;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
our $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS';
our @EXPORT = qw(which_perl perl_lib makefile_name makefile_backup
make make_run run make_macro calibrate_mtime
have_compiler slurp
$Is_VMS $Is_MacOS
# Setup the code to clean out %ENV
# Environment variables which might effect our testing
my @delete_env_keys = qw(
# Remember the ENV values because on VMS %ENV is global
# to the user, not the process.
my %restore_env_keys;
sub clean_env {
for my $key (@delete_env_keys) {
if( exists $ENV{$key} ) {
$restore_env_keys{$key} = delete $ENV{$key};
else {
delete $ENV{$key};
while( my($key, $val) = each %restore_env_keys ) {
$ENV{$key} = $val;
=head1 NAME
MakeMaker::Test::Utils - Utility routines for testing MakeMaker
use MakeMaker::Test::Utils;
my $perl = which_perl;
my $makefile = makefile_name;
my $makefile_back = makefile_backup;
my $make = make;
my $make_run = make_run;
make_macro($make, $targ, %macros);
my $mtime = calibrate_mtime;
my $out = run($cmd);
my $have_compiler = have_compiler();
my $text = slurp($filename);
A consolidation of little utility functions used through out the
MakeMaker test suite.
=head2 Functions
The following are exported by default.
=over 4
=item B<which_perl>
my $perl = which_perl;
Returns a path to perl which is safe to use in a command line, no
matter where you chdir to.
sub which_perl {
my $perl = $^X;
$perl ||= 'perl';
# VMS should have 'perl' aliased properly
return $perl if $Is_VMS;
$perl .= $Config{exe_ext} unless $perl =~ m/$Config{exe_ext}$/i;
my $perlpath = File::Spec->rel2abs( $perl );
unless( $Is_MacOS || -x $perlpath ) {
# $^X was probably 'perl'
# When building in the core, *don't* go off and find
# another perl
die "Can't find a perl to use (\$^X=$^X), (\$perlpath=$perlpath)"
foreach my $path (File::Spec->path) {
$perlpath = File::Spec->catfile($path, $perl);
last if -x $perlpath;
return $perlpath;
=item B<perl_lib>
Sets up environment variables so perl can find its libraries.
Run this before changing directories.
my $old5lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
my $had5lib = exists $ENV{PERL5LIB};
sub perl_lib {
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
# Whilst we'll be running in perl-src/cpan/$distname/t/
# instead of blib, our code will be copied with all the other code to
# the top-level library.
# $ENV{PERL5LIB} will be set with this, but (by default) it's a relative
# path.
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, map {
File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } split quotemeta($Config{path_sep}), $ENV{PERL5LIB};
@INC = map { File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @INC;
} else {
my $lib = 'blib/lib';
$lib = File::Spec->rel2abs($lib);
my @libs = ($lib);
push @libs, $ENV{PERL5LIB} if exists $ENV{PERL5LIB};
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join($Config{path_sep}, @libs);
unshift @INC, $lib;
if( $had5lib ) {
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = $old5lib;
else {
delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
=item B<makefile_name>
my $makefile = makefile_name;
MakeMaker doesn't always generate 'Makefile'. It returns what it
should generate.
sub makefile_name {
return $Is_VMS ? 'Descrip.MMS' : 'Makefile';
=item B<makefile_backup>
my $makefile_old = makefile_backup;
Returns the name MakeMaker will use for a backup of the current
sub makefile_backup {
my $makefile = makefile_name;
return $Is_VMS ? "$makefile".'_old' : "$makefile.old";
=item B<make>
my $make = make;
Returns a good guess at the make to run.
sub make {
my $make = $Config{make};
$make = $ENV{MAKE} if exists $ENV{MAKE};
return if !can_run($make);
return $make;
=item B<make_run>
my $make_run = make_run;
Returns the make to run as with make() plus any necessary switches.
sub make_run {
my $make = make;
return if !$make;
$make .= ' -nologo' if $make eq 'nmake';
return $make;
=item B<make_macro>
my $make_cmd = make_macro($make, $target, %macros);
Returns the command necessary to run $make on the given $target using
the given %macros.
my $make_test_verbose = make_macro(make_run(), 'test',
This is important because VMS's make utilities have a completely
different calling convention than Unix or Windows.
%macros is actually a list of tuples, so the order will be preserved.
sub make_macro {
my($make, $target) = (shift, shift);
my $is_mms = $make =~ /^MM(K|S)/i;
my $cmd = $make;
my $macros = '';
while( my($key,$val) = splice(@_, 0, 2) ) {
if( $is_mms ) {
$macros .= qq{/macro="$key=$val"};
else {
$macros .= qq{ $key=$val};
return $is_mms ? "$make$macros $target" : "$make $target $macros";
=item B<calibrate_mtime>
my $mtime = calibrate_mtime;
When building on NFS, file modification times can often lose touch
with reality. This returns the mtime of a file which has just been
sub calibrate_mtime {
open(FILE, ">calibrate_mtime.tmp") || die $!;
print FILE "foo";
close FILE;
my($mtime) = (stat('calibrate_mtime.tmp'))[9];
unlink 'calibrate_mtime.tmp';
return $mtime;
=item B<run>
my $out = run($command);
my @out = run($command);
Runs the given $command as an external program returning at least STDOUT
as $out. If possible it will return STDOUT and STDERR combined as you
would expect to see on a screen.
sub run {
my $cmd = shift;
# Unix, modern Windows and OS/2 from 5.005_54 up can handle can handle 2>&1
# This makes our failure diagnostics nicer to read.
if( MM->os_flavor_is('Unix') or
(MM->os_flavor_is('Win32') and !MM->os_flavor_is('Win9x')) or
($] > 5.00554 and MM->os_flavor_is('OS/2'))
) {
return `$cmd 2>&1`;
else {
return `$cmd`;
=item B<run_ok>
my @out = run_ok($cmd);
Like run() but it tests that the result exited normally.
The output from run() will be used as a diagnostic if it fails.
sub run_ok {
my $tb = Test::Builder->new;
my @out = run(@_);
$tb->cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, "run(@_)" ) || $tb->diag(@out);
return wantarray ? @out : join "", @out;
=item have_compiler
$have_compiler = have_compiler;
Returns true if there is a compiler available for XS builds.
sub have_compiler {
my $have_compiler = 0;
# ExtUtils::CBuilder prints its compilation lines to the screen.
# Shut it up.
use TieOut;
local *STDOUT = *STDOUT;
local *STDERR = *STDERR;
tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut';
tie *STDERR, 'TieOut';
eval {
my $cb = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new;
$have_compiler = $cb->have_compiler;
return $have_compiler;
=item slurp
$contents = slurp($filename);
Returns the $contents of $filename.
Will die if $filename cannot be opened.
sub slurp {
my $filename = shift;
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, $filename or die "Can't open $filename for reading: $!";
my $text = <$fh>;
close $fh;
return $text;
=item can_run
C<can_run> takes only one argument: the name of a binary you wish
to locate. C<can_run> works much like the unix binary C<which> or the bash
command C<type>, which scans through your path, looking for the requested
Unlike C<which> and C<type>, this function is platform independent and
will also work on, for example, Win32.
If called in a scalar context it will return the full path to the binary
you asked for if it was found, or C<undef> if it was not.
If called in a list context and the global variable C<$INSTANCES> is a true
value, it will return a list of the full paths to instances
of the binary where found in C<PATH>, or an empty list if it was not found.
sub can_run {
my $command = shift;
# a lot of VMS executables have a symbol defined
# check those first
if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
require VMS::DCLsym;
my $syms = VMS::DCLsym->new;
return $command if scalar $syms->getsym( uc $command );
require File::Spec;
my @possibles;
if( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($command) ) {
return MM->maybe_command($command);
} else {
for my $dir (
) {
next if ! $dir || ! -d $dir;
my $abs = File::Spec->catfile( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? Win32::GetShortPathName( $dir ) : $dir, $command);
push @possibles, $abs if $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs);
return @possibles if wantarray;
return shift @possibles;
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com>