Revision history for FASTAid

v0.0.4 07-05-06

 Added some new tests to make sure FASTAid would throw exceptions where it should.
 First version uploaded to CPAN.

v0.0.3 04-03-06

 The new index recreation feature I added in the last version was broken,
 causing the FASTA file to be reindexed every time retrieve_entry() was called.
 This bug still exists, but the reindexing feature has been temporarily turned

 FASTAid now uses a pre-existing index if create_index is called instead of
 building a new one. Thanks to Todd Wylie for suggesting this behavior.

v0.0.2 03-02-06

 When retrieve_entry() is called, the index will be created if it doesn't exist.
 Also, the index will be recreated if it is older than the FASTA file it
 purports to index.

v0.0.1 07-31-05

 First Perl package version of FASTAid.