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Revision history for Perl extension Finance::Math::IRR
0.01 2006-12-15
- first working version
0.02 2006-12-18
- differentiate bugs from failures when calling secant() and brent()
- update module dependencies
0.03 2007-01-04
- handle precision correctly
- POD updates
0.04 2007-01-04
- fix broken link
0.05 2007-02-20
- require version 0.05 of Math::Polynom
0.06 2007-02-20
- more robust strategy: handle when the secant method
converges toward a value that is not a root
- more tests
0.07 2007-04-11
- cleanup cashflow from transactions with 0 amounts
- added debug mode
- reject cashflows with positive last transaction
- return undef on cashflows with only 1 none 0 amount
- updated META.yml to new spec
- added examples
- more tests
0.08 2007-04-18
- fixed MANIFEST
- updated license
0.09 2007-07-11
- removed the restriction requiring last transactions to be negative
thanks to Nicholas Caratzas!
0.10 2007-07-12
- add a test verifying irr continuity