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my $root_dir = $properties->{'dev.root.dir'};
my $trusted_hostname = '';
my $trusted_internal_hostname = 'trusted.pastdev.local';
my $web_hostname = '';
my $coord = 'dev';
my $foo_tomcat_directory = "$root_dir/foo-tomcat";
return {
base_tomcat => {
hostname => $properties->{''},
catalina_base => "$root_dir/apache-tomcat"
foo => {
automation => {
username => $properties->{''},
password => $properties->{''},
deployment => {
'Config::Entities::inherit' => [ 'hostname', 'sudo_username' ],
clean => [
"$foo_tomcat_directory/conf/Catalina/localhost/", "$foo_tomcat_directory/temp/",
"$foo_tomcat_directory/webapps/", "$foo_tomcat_directory/work/",
resources => {
bar => "$properties{''}/bar.war",
baz => "$properties{''}/baz.war"
to_dir => "$foo_tomcat_directory/webapps",
hostname => $properties->{''},
logs => { catalina => "$foo_tomcat_directory/logs/catalina.out", },
overlay => {
'Config::Entities::inherit' => [ 'hostname', 'sudo_username' ],
base_dir => "$properties{''}/base",
clean => [ "$foo_tomcat_directory/" ],
key => 'T',
os => $properties{'dev.os'},
resolver_coordinate => $coord,
template_dir => "$properties{''}/template",
to_dir => $foo_tomcat_directory
site => '',
sudo_username => $properties->{''},
tomcat => {
'Config::Entities::inherit' => [ 'hostname', 'sudo_username' ],
ajp => { port => 8509 },
catalina_base => $foo_tomcat_directory,
http => { port => 8580 },
jmx_port => 8587,
jpda_port => 8586,
service => {
action => {
'kill' => { command_args => 'stop -force' },
'status' => { use_pid => 1 }
command => "$foo_tomcat_directory/bin/",
pid_file => "/var/run/foo/",
shutdown => {
port => 8505,
password => $properties->{''},
trust_store => {
'Config::Entities::inherit' => [ 'hostname', 'sudo_username' ],
file => "$foo_tomcat_directory/certs/truststore.jks",
include_java_home_cacerts => 1,
password => $properties->{''},
web => {
context_path => '/foo',
hostname => $foo_web_hostname,
https => 1
web_direct => {
'Config::Entities::inherit' => ['hostname'],
context_path => '/foo',
https => 0,
port => 8580
trusted => {
hostname => $trusted_hostname,
internal_hostname => $trusted_internal_hostname