Revision history for Perl extension Form::Processor.

1.162360  2016-08-23 14:06:06-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
    - Added EnterPassword, TxtPassword, and ScryptPassword.
    - If just looking at this distribution please look at HTML::FormHandler instead.
    - Moved to Dist::Zilla for packaging (which is the reason for the jump in version number).
    - Ran perltidy, and a few PerlCritic updates -- but too many to be safe.
    - Changed an "Integer" field default length from 8 to 10 digits.
    - Updated the "CIDR_list" field with updated tests to catch invalid formatted lists.
    - Added global variable LANGUAGE_HANDLE to be checked before env variable.

0.31 Wed Jul 11 21:41:02 PDT 2012
    - Fixed missing localization of string.
      RT #78319 reported by Fred Moyer.

0.30 Thu Oct  6 05:05:47 EEST 2011
    This is a version bump only. No code changes.

0.22 Thu Sep 15 17:00:36 EEST 2011  (Lamu)
    encode_utf8 the MD5_Password so md5_hex won't croak on wide chars

0.21 Wed Jun  1 17:51:27 PDT 2011
    When updating the Email field left out the lower case.
    Email::Valid does not lowercase the domain, and
    it is common practice to lowercase the local

0.20 Thu May 19 05:19:37 PDT 2011
    Note: ** Potential breakage of your application **

    Added the "max_size" attribute to Form::Processor::Field
    base class which defaults to 10,000.

    The Text field's "size" default has been changed from
    zero to 2,500.

    The Text field was simply a base class that added lengths
    and was intended to be overridden.  But, as a sanity
    check for all fields there is now this default of 2,500

    It is still expected that users create their own Field
    subclasses to match their applications and add validation.

    The Email field is now limited to 254 characters
    and uses the output from Email::Valid::address.

    New Form attribute "use_existing_values" has
    been added and a new Field attribute "must_submit".
    See docs for these related attributes.

0.19 Fri Jul 25 17:47:36 UTC 2008
    Fix spelling error in error message in "test_ranges".

0.18 Thu Feb 28 04:46:06 UTC 2008
    No Changes -- just added version numbers to fields to
    make CPAN indexer happy.

0.17 Thu Feb 28 03:58:59 UTC 2008
    Allow for a zero id passed in as a single parameter
    to new.  An integer primary key of zero is asking for

0.16 Sat Jan 19 22:41:56 UTC 2008
    Changed the field's "id" method to be mutable.

    Changed the "test_multiple" field method to look at input
    catch multiple values in all cases not just for fields with

0.15 Sat Dec  1 18:16:30 UTC 2007
    Fixed failing tests when recommended modules did not exist.
    Got spanked by CPAN testers for that one.

0.14 Thu Nov 29 13:50:31 UTC 2007
    Moved to Module::Install for questionable reasons

    Removed field dependencies to make installation less
    of a pain for those that do not need all field types.

    Added new fields:

    A bit more docs for fields.  As with all modules,
    looking at the source is always a good idea.

0.13 Not released to CPAN
        Added "min_length" to Text field.

0.12 Fri Jun 22 03:27:33 UTC 2007
        Fixed problem with loading fields prefixed with a plus sign.

        Forced checkboxes to value="1" in since
        HTML::FillInForm uses value="on".

        Added range_start and range_end to base class
        (was only in IntRange before).

0.11 Mon Jun 18 19:10:13 UTC 2007
        Uncommented dependencies on Html::Tidy and Template Toolkit.
        The tests checks that all fields compile now so need to include
        all dependencies and CPAN testers complain when not all tests pass.

        Add size attribute to Text field type, and validate on that size.
        Also gives a way for markup to add a size to text input fields.

0.10 Tue Jun 12 14:14:50 UTC 2007
        Fix missing init_options in

0.09 Tue Jun 12 05:00:57 UTC 2007
        Moved Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor
        to separate module.
        Moved Catalyst demo application to Catalyst Plugin.
        Weakened form and parent_field to avoid circular references
        and removed DESTROY method.
        Devel::Cycle is handy.

0.08 Mon Jun 11 06:14:25 UTC 2007
        Added Hidden and Upload field types.
        Added demo Catalyst application (in t/example)
        Worked on a few of the compound fields a bit.

0.07 Wed Apr 11 15:49:45 PDT 2007
        Add in dependencies to Makefile.PL
        0.08 will have more complete tests

0.06 Tue Apr 10 23:45:15 UTC 2007
        Added Locale::Maketext support.
        Language files are empty and can be provided by
        the user as needed, or a L::M language handle can be
        passed if using site-wide lexicons.

0.05 Sun Apr  8 17:45:07 UTC 2007
        Removed locale-dependent tests

0.04 Sat Apr  7 05:32:38 UTC 2007
        Add UNIVERSAL::require as dependency.
        Caught by a fine CPAN tester.

0.03 Tue Apr  3 21:35:36 UTC 2007
        Rename to Form::Processor for CPAN release

0.02 2006-06-04
        Place into production

0.01  2005-11-11 21:10:25 -0800
        Import into local subversion repo