Revision history for FreeBSD-Ports-INDEXhash
1,2,2 2010-08-28/06:00
-Require Exporter to make Perl 5.10 happy.
1.2.1 2009-04-27/12:00
-Edeps now processes Edeps instead of Pdeps.
-Rdeps now properly inters through Rdeps.
1.2.0 2009-03-25/13:00
-Implement short origin mapping.
1.1.0 2009-03-11/00:50
-Implement origin mapping.
1.0.5 2008-06-05/13:35
Fixed issue with Fdeps always being defined due to a new line on the end of it.
1.0.4 2008-04-18/17:40
Finally fully implement the example using the each function.
1.0.3 2008-03-23/12:10
Another small pod cleanup.
Make changes to synopsis as suggested by kevin brintnall <>.
1.0.2 2008-03-23/12:10
Another small pod cleanup.
1.0.1 2008-03-23/11:20
Clean up POD stuff a bit so 'make test' passes.
1.0.0 2008-03-23/4:30
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.