Revision history for Future-Buffer
0.06 2024-01-22
* Avoid an exception when destroying an instance if it goes out of
scope during its own fill future on_done callback
0.05 2023-11-10
* Fix logic for fill futures that complete immediately
* Ensure that fill future's `on_done` closure doesn't strongly
capture `$self`
0.04 2023-10-17
* Support end-of-file condition
* Various module style updates:
+ use Perl 5.14
+ swap unit tests to Test2::V0
+ documentation style in minisynopsis lines
0.03 2022-09-30
* Added ->unread
* Added ->read_unpacked
* Make sure cancelled read futures don't block the queue
* Propagate read future cancellation to a pending fill future
* Don't invoke fill future if enough data exists in the buffer
0.02 2020-06-12
* Rename ->read to ->read_atmost to match the IO::Async::Stream
method name, and remind users it isn't an exact length
0.01 2020-06-09
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.