Revision history for Games-ABC_Path-Solver
0.8.0 2024-06-28
- Add a section describing the rules of ABC-Path riddles.
- Minimal supported perl5 version is now 5.014.
0.6.2 2020-10-15
- dist.ini / weaver.ini / .tidyallrc / etc. cleanup
- Move to @SHLOMIF
- Inspired by Lady_Aleena.
0.6.1 2018-07-20
- Fix the link to the bugtracker.
- Thanks to ANDK.
0.6.0 2018-07-11
- Convert to Dist-Zilla.
0.4.1 2017-12-24
- Move repo to GitHub.
0.4.0 2014-03-06
- Add the --gen-v1-template flag to generate a skeleton file.
0.3.3 2014-01-30
- Explicit minimal perl version - 5.8 (CPANTS Kwalitee)
- Add LICENSE file.
0.3.2 2013-05-21
- Correct scripts/
0.3.1 2013-05-21
- Remove trailing space.
- With a test at t/style-trailing-space.t
- Add t/cpan-changes.t .
0.3.0 2012-02-23
- Extract the class lib/Games/ABC_Path/Solver/ .
- Backwards incompatible change: get_var for 'coords'/etc.
in Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Move now returns them instead of
an [x,y] array ref.
0.2.0 2011-07-23
- Create lib/Games/ABC_Path/Solver/ based on the one
from Games::ABC_Path::Generator.
- Merge common functionality into lib/Games/ABC_Path/Solver/ .
0.1.0 2011-07-20
- Add the input_from_v1_string class method to input from a version
1 string, so there will be a way to input from something besides
a file.
- Add the scripts/ file to tag a release in the
Subversion repository.
0.0.3 2011-01-21
- Encapsulated scripts/abc-path-solve inside
lib/Games/ABC_Path/Solver/ .
- Add POD to scripts/abc-path-solve
0.0.2 2011-01-10
- Add the missing Test::Differences to the build_requires. It caused
some build failures.
- Add scripts/ .
0.0.1 2011-01-09
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.