Changes for Games::Sudoku::PatternSolver
v0.07 2024/02/27
Exchanged some exceptionally long lasting test puzzles in 03-games.t and added tests for solution counts.
Small syntax changes to reduce required perl from 5.10.0 to 5.06.0.
Changed the shebang in exe script from '/usr/bin/env perl' to just 'perl'. (Slaven Rezic)
Renamed to sudogen to make it look command-like.
Examples for generator output usage (play, print) added to documentation.
v0.06 2024/02/24
scripts/ added.
Moved the PlayerIf into its own distribution Games::Sudoku::Html.
Use known candidate positions in the solver's pattern pruning. (Making Solver and generator a tad faster.)
New Test ensures that advanced logic is not commented out.
v0.05 2024/01/12
Fixed a hard coded skip of advanced methods in CPLogic::apply_logic().
v0.04 2024/01/12
Fixed test 'solution equals seed grid' (01-generate.t)
to allow puzzles with < 9 different clues.
Cut down on redundant tests in 03-games.t.
v0.03 2024/01/11
Fixed inadvertent edit in PatterSolver::Generator
v0.02 2024/01/11
Dependencies corrected.
Require perl 5.10.0.
$Games::Sudoku::PatternSolver::VERBOSE defaulting to false.
Set attribute endTime even without backtracking, if logic solved.
POD updated to catch up with actual state.
v0.01 2024/01/09
Releasing first version of Games::Sudoku::PatternSolver