Revision history for Gentoo-Overlay

2.001002 2017-03-08T12:00:56Z acb6ebf
 - Bugfix: Avoid test failures with -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot

 - Dependencies changed since 2.001001, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - configure: +1 (recommends: ↑1)
 - develop: +11 ↑3 -3 (recommends: +1, suggests: ↑2)
 - test: +1 (recommends: ↑1 ↓1)

2.001001 2014-10-08T05:01:33Z bf1e27d
 - Use a version of Moo that supports coerce => 1

 - Dependencies changed since 2.001000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - runtime: ↑1

2.001000 2014-10-07T07:14:56Z 0ac1622
 [00 Minor]
 - Further refactoring work to remove Moose dependencies.

 - Dependencies changed since 2.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - runtime: -3

 - Removed Moose role HasIdent by hard-coding the same logic.
 - Removed Moose role HasTags by hard-coding similar logic.
 - Removed Moose role Role::HasMessage ( it does nothing on its own! )

2.000000 2014-10-07T06:27:58Z 8d98894
 [00 Major - Version Scheme]
 - Use x.yyyzzz instead of x.y.z
 - This may affect hand-operated downstreams
 - This is a primary reason for the 2.x on the box.

 [01 Major - Tooling]
 - Shipping installer is now ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead of Module::Build
 - Version requirements on tooling and test dependencies now only upgraded to "latest" via recommendation, not

 [02 Major - Reimplementation]
 - Whole stack reimplemented in Moo based tooling.

 - Dependencies changed since 1.0.5, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: -1
 - configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
 - develop: +48 -2 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
 - runtime: +13 -11
 - test: +2 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +3)

 - use Sub::Exporter::Progressive instead of Sub::Exporter
 - use Const::Fast instead of Readonly
 - use namespace::clean instead of namespace::autoclean

 - move to kentnl org

1.0.5 2013-04-29T00:32:53Z
 - Bugfix: package_name and ebuild_name were paths instead of basenames, but no tests revealed this. Now have tests,
   and bug is fixed.

1.0.4 2013-04-28T20:24:18Z
 - Bugfix release to iron out some residual Path::Tiny quirks

 - Dependencies changed since 1.0.3, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +1 (suggests: ↑1)

 - use test_requires in Module::Build

1.0.3 2013-03-13T06:58:04Z
 [!Notable Changes]
 - Move to Path::Tiny

 - Dependencies changed since 1.0.2, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +5 (suggests: ↑1)
 - runtime: +1 -1
 - test: ↑1

 - Update copyright year
 - Add README.mkdn

 - Bugtracker to github

1.0.2 2012-06-21T11:34:49Z
 - Refactor iteration logic to use a dispatch table depending on what you want to iterate, instead of using a big mesy
   conditional. This will make internal calling code faster and cleaner.

1.0.1 2012-03-17T05:14:32Z
 - Minor Maintenance release

 - Dependencies changed since 1.0.0, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
 - runtime: +3
 - test: -1

 - Move Version Declaration out of BEGIN
 - All namespaces now declare $AUTHORITY

 - Update LICENSE (Year, Indent, Address)
 - Move author/release tests to xt/
 - Update repository.url
 - Set x_authority

1.0.0 2011-08-02T10:24:40Z
 - Have a new iteration interface for easy overlay walking. ( Partially Existed in code but was undocumented )
 - Can now iterate by 'ebuilds'.

 - Restyled a lot of the internals because the 'has' form I was using was ugly and buggy.

 - resource URI's moved to https:// only.

 - Gentoo::Overlay::Ebuild # A representaition of an individual ebuild.

 - Migrating to x.y.z versioning.
 - Rehashed the Changelog for CPANChanges form.
 - Updated GNU LICENSE file.

 - release-cpan-changes.t # Test conformance with CPAN::Changes

 - 00-compile.t # updated/regenerated to use find instead of glob.

 - Gentoo__Overlay_Ebuild
 - Gentoo__Overlay_EbuildName

0.03000000 2011-02-10T22:15:53Z
 - Eliminate 'tie' in favour of ->open + ->read
 - Throw Exceptions. Even warnings are exceptions now. You can't catch them, but you can toggle a switch to make them
   die() instead of warn. ( local $Gentoo::Overlay::Exceptions::WARNINGS_ARE='fatal'; )
 - Added an ( currently undocumented ) iteration interface.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.02004319, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 -1)
 - runtime: +10 -1
 - test: ↑1

0.02004319 2011-01-04T12:25:26Z
 - Added a Package class.
 - Removed lots of the builders and docs in favour of simple defaults.
 - Replaced some Strs with EAPI constraints.
 - Rearranged 'blacklist' behaviour, it was stupid.
 - Extended the example to handle packages.
 - category objects now have a ->packages, ->_has_package, ->package_names, ->get_package
 - 3 New Types, _CategoryName, _PackageName, _RepositoryName, all EAPI2 compliant.

0.01000020 2010-11-21T08:17:06Z
 - Refactored to create a Category Package
 - Added a type Package.
 - Documentation on steroids.

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - MooseX::Types

 - Dependencies changed since 0.01000015, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - runtime: +1

0.01000015 2010-11-21T03:17:46Z
 - First version.