== Revision history for Perl extension Geo::WKT
All modifications where created by Mark Overmeer, unless explicitly
stated differently.
version 0.96: Tue 23 Jan 17:38:48 CET 2018
- converted to GIT
- published on GitHUB
version 0.95: Wed Jan 14 16:42:33 CET 2015
- parse_wkt linesting [Frank Maas]
- typo use of parse_wkt_linestring
rt.cpan.org#86075 [ttatsumi]
- replace use of $& (use slows-down all regexes)
- change documentation style
- clean-up the code a bit
- some examples in the SYNOPSOS
- bump version to 0.95, to indicate "close to complete"
- remove dependency to Test::Pod, moving t/99pod.t into xt/
version 0.04: Sun Nov 18 21:04:47 CET 2012
- fix missing semi-colon in parse_wkt_linestring.
rt.cpan.org#81257 [Andrew Benson]
version 0.03: Mon May 25 14:30:49 CEST 2009
- do not use bin/pwd in t/pod.t
- repair used versions report
- parse_wkt_linestring was missing. Contributed by [Mike Kay]
version 0.02: Tue Feb 12 10:08:04 CET 2008
- renamed from DBD::mysql::WKT into Geo::WKT, and published on CPAN.
- added tests for most translations.
version 0.01: Wed Nov 15 12:41:19 CET 2006
- Converted to use oodist (removed mkdist, mkdoc, MANIFEST.extra)
version 0.00: 2004 (not released)
- Initial version