2.26 2023-03-03
- unchanged from 2.25 (except for deps adjustment) which also got deleted from CPAN by co-maint
2.25 2022-08-20
- unchanged from 2.24 which appears to have been deleted from CPAN
2.24 2016-12-27T10:58:00
- Test with Test::More V 1.001002 rather than V 1.302019, and all tests still pass.
See RT#115236. Thanx to Kent Fredric for again (sorry!) prompting me over this.
Lowering the version of Test::More in Makefile.PL is the only change in this version.
2.23 2016-12-21T08:00:00
- Add no_xxe to XML::Twig instantiation. See RT#118972. Many thanx to Lisa Hare for a
very well-crafted set of patches provided via github.
2.22 2016-07-19T09:24:00
- Revert change so we use Test::More instead of Test2::Bundle::Extended.
See RT#115236. Thanx to ribasushi for this report, and my apologies for not acting sooner.
2.21 2016-05-22T09:21:00
- Escape a '{' in a regexp in t/foo.t. See RT#114551. Thanx to Slaven Rezic.
- Fix a typo in a comment, as provided by Gregor Herrmann in RT#111385.
modernization of the repo.
This includes updating Makefile.PL and removing Build.PL, MANIFEST and *META.*.
- Bail out cleanly if 'dot' is not installed. See RT#105575. Thanx Karen Etheridge.
- Update docs to point to a copy of the Perl licence.
- Update docs in GraphViz.pm to point to the github repo.
- Move t/pod.t into xt/author/.
2.20 2015-12-29T08:13:00
- Merge patch from ntyni via github. This concerned use of defined(@some_array). With thanx.
2.19 2015-11-13T08:30:00
- No code changes.
- Accept pull request from Patrice Clement to add the x_deprecated flag to both META.json and
META.yml. The docs already had various references to 'deprecated', including directing users
to GraphViz2, so no change is needed there. Thanx Patrice.
- Add .gitignore to MANIFEST.SKIP.
2.18 2015-05-28T08:43:00
- All patches to this version are from chrony, via a github pull request. With thanx.
- Use File::Which on Windows to detect if Graphviz is present.
- Clean up the code, including Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
2.17 2015-03-30T08:56:00
- No code changes.
- Create github repo. This has been done because ribasushi (Peter Rabbitson) has kindly offered
some patches. Hence I've reversed my policy of encouraging this module to die :-).
- Update Build.PL and Makefile.PL to point to the repo. None of the pre-reqs were updated.
2.16 2014-08-30T08:25:00
- Update docs on how to download AT&T's Graphviz.
Thanx to Alex Becker (see RT#98405).
2.15 2013-11-28T11:23:00
- Fix double-quote escaping bug in GraphViz's _attributes() method. See RT#90528.
Many thanx to Smylers for the report.
- Rename CHANGES to Changes as per CPAN::Changes::Spec.
2.14 2012-11-09T16:06:00
- No code changes.
- Patch t/foo.t to not assume text appears on specific lines of the output test files.
2.13 2012-11-09T08:27:00
- No code changes.
- Re-package distro because users get errors during testing. See RT#80709.
Since I had this same error during my testing, I assume the uploaded version contains un-patched
code. The errors are not in GraphViz, they are in the test code which has hard-coded line numbers
where it looks for strings in the output. The output has been reformatted recently, and no longer
matches those assumptions. See t/foo.t for details. Note: I did not write those tests :-).
2.12 2012-11-08T12:38:00
- No code changes.
- For pre-reqs such as strict, warnings, etc, which ship with Perl, set the version # to 0.
Reported as RT#80663 by Father Chrysostomos for Tree::DAG_Node.
2.11 2012-09-18T08:22:00
- Add VDX as an output format.
2.10 2012-03-26T10:11:00
- Accept a patch kindly supplied by Alexander Kriegisch, to change handling of the rankdir attribute.
The valid values are BT, LR, RL or TB, or their lower-case equivalents.
Previously, only a true value was accepted, which meant LR. Now, any value not in that list defaults to LR.
Files changed: README, CHANGES, Changelog.ini, GraphViz.pm, GraphViz/Regex.pm and simple.t.
- Patch this file to replace BST with GMT, since both DateTime::Format::HTTP and DateTime::Format::Strptime
fail to recognize BST.
These modules are used by Module::Metadata::Changes to transform this file into Changelog.ini.
2.09 2011-12-15T11:08:00
- Adopt Flavio Poletti's suggestion of trying to pipe to dot, in Build.PL/Makefile.PL, rather than using File::Which,
to see if dot (Graphviz) is installed. This (hopefully) solves the problem of using File::Which on systems where it is
not installed, before Build.PL/Makefile.PL has a chance to tell the user that File::Which is required. See: RT#73077.
2.08 Tue Nov 1 10:55:00 2011
- Wind back pre-reqs for various modules to match what was shipped with Perl V 5.8.1.
2.07 Sun Oct 30 16:08:00 2011
- Rewrite Build.PL and Makefile.PL to try loading File::Which rather than assuming it is installed.
This avoids the chicken-and-egg problem whereby these 2 programs need File::Which::which to find 'dot'.
2.06 Tue Oct 25 08:09:00 2011
- Add File::Which to the pre-reqs in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
2.05 Thu Oct 20 10:52:00 2011
- Add 'Deprecated. See GraphViz2' to the docs.
- Add Build.PL.
- Add ability to set ORIENTATION. Thanx to Christian Lackas for the patch. See RT#71787.
- Add Changelog.ini.
- Add META.json, MYMETA.json and MYMETA.yml.
- Ensure all modules contain a version number.
- Update the docs regarding the list of modules shipped in this distro.
- Remove examples/remote.pl because GraphViz::Remote is no longer shipped.
- Clean up examples/clusters2.pl.
- Clean up Makefile.PL.
2.04 Fri Dec 12 21:31:24 GMT 2008
- perltidy everything
- add human- and machine-readable license
- add use warnings
2.03 Sun Nov 18 14:40:20 GMT 2007
- make the graph name configurable (patch by Ruslan Zakirov)
2.02 Fri Jan 7 18:51:06 GMT 2005
- remove dependencies on Graph and Math::Bezier
- make GraphViz HTML-Like labels work (spotted by Patrice Dehais)
- updated (including much documentation) to support newer additions
to the dot language (by Max Baker)
- new test which tests the POD
2.01 Fri Sep 24 17:02:29 GMT 2004
- no longer *always* quote the label in add_node() in order to
let GraphViz::Data::Structure work again (sorry)
2.00 Wed Aug 25 16:30:53 GMT 2004
- thanks to Ron Savage, patched to work under systems
which have an executable extension, such as Windows
1.9 Tue Aug 24 15:30:31 GMT 2004
- check for "dot" in the Makefile.PL instead of a test, as
suggested by Autrijus Tang
- renamed Changes to CHANGES
- clusters can now take attributes as a hashref, thanks to
patch from Richard A.Wells (see clusters2.pl)
- fix docbug in GraphViz::Parse::Yapp (spotted by Mark Fowler)
- better quoting (patch by Barrie Slaymaker)
- document as_debug (suggested by Richard Clamp)
1.8 Sun Feb 23 09:15:14 GMT 2003
- support for client-side image maps by Dan Boorstein
1.7 Sun Jan 19 21:55:14 GMT 2003
- quote bgcolor so that HSV works
1.6 Sat Jan 18 15:47:26 GMT 2003
- moved tests to Test::More
- new test which checks if graphviz is installed
- new 'layout' graph attribute to support twopi - you
may have to change your programs!
- new bgcolor graph attribute (idea by Scott Murman)
- labels named "graph" now work
1.5 Sun Jan 13 16:59:14 GMT 2002
- updated code reference docs slightly
- removed GraphViz::Remote as it was no longer working
- new no_overlap graph attribute which tells the graph solver
to not overlap the nodes (idea by Chris Ball)
- added patches by Barrie Slaymaker to make GraphViz
work under Win32!
- this is the Flight 63 edition
1.4 Wed Oct 3 07:57:42 GMT 2001
- added new filehandle, scalar reference, and code reference
scheme to as_* to allow streaming of data, rather than
accumulating potentially very large output in memory (based
on patch by Dave Rolsky)
- new pagewidth and pageheight graph attributes for creating
PostScript mosaics of large graphs (idea by Nelson Loyola)
1.3 Sun Aug 19 15:43:02 GMT 2001
- labels can now contain quotes
- fixed bug: labels can now start with a number
- fixed bug in Devel::GraphVizProf so that packages
are now grouped seperately (lines with the same text used to
be grouped together)
- fixed undefined warning in GraphViz::Parse::RecDescent
- increased coverage of tests
- new 'rank' node attribute allows nodes to be ranked
at the same level
- make empty cluster names do nothing (patch by Barrie
1.2 Fri Aug 10 18:54:21 GMT 2001
- removed the images in the examples directory and added
a file (make_all.pl) to, errr, make all the images
- This is the HAL2001 edition
1.1 Tue Jul 24 23:54:42 GMT 2001
- added extra parameter to as_* to allow easy saving of
images: $graph->as_png("pretty.png")
- added new GraphViz::Parse::Yapp module to visualise
Parse::Yapp grammars
- added new GraphViz::Parse::Yacc module to visualise
Parse::Yacc grammars
- This is the TPC5 edition
1.00 Thu Jun 14 15:10:28 GMT 2001
- finally released as version 1.00!
- added a reference to brian d foy's DDJ article on
- put the entire Perl regular expression test suite through
GraphViz::Regex and fixed all the bugs
- no longer sort nodes by default (idea by Stephen Riehm),
which makes graphs just work better. Not documented, do
you want it to be?
0.14 Thu May 3 17:57:57 GMT 2001
- added support for InterpLit node in RecDescent grammars
- added cumulative effect for node attributes (patch by Diego
- changed the quoting rules again to make it easier to read
the dot files (idea by Diego Zamboni)
- make add_edge() automatically add any nodes specified for
the edge that have not been previously added to stop the
Graph module complaining (patch by Diego Zamboni)
- new 'node', 'edge', and 'graph' graph attributes to specify
global node, edge, and graph attributes (patch by Diego
- removed t/regex.t and documented that GraphViz::Regex may
not work on various perls
- added GraphViz::Regex_YAPE module, another way to graph
a regular expression
0.13 Mon Mar 19 19:31:18 GMT 2001
- removed 'use warnings' as suggested by David Adler so we
no longer require Perl 5.6
- moved all modules into a new 'lib' directory (and updated
examples) so that Devel::GraphVizProf gets installed
- new 'concentrate' graph attribute to merge edges in
cluttered directed graphs
- new 'random_start' graph attribute, which requests an
initial random placement for the graph
- new 'epsilon' graph attribute, which decides how long the
graph solver tries before finding a graph layout, requested
by Pierre-Yves Genot
- an empty cluster now means not clustered
- added GraphViz::Regex and example regexp.pl which visualises
a regular expression
- now an award-winning module!
0.12 Tue Mar 6 17:37:21 GMT 2001
- fixed bug in redcarpet.pl example
- new rankdir graph attribute, which controls the direction
the nodes are linked together (patch by Mark Fowler)
- new 'width' and 'height' graph attributes control the size
of the bounding box of the drawing in inches, requested by
Pierre-Yves Genot
0.11 Tue Mar 6 17:37:20 GMT 2001
- rearranged module naming: Data::GraphViz ->
GraphViz::Data::Dumper, Parse::RecDescent::GraphViz ->
GraphViz::Parse::RecDescent, XML::GraphViz -> GraphViz::XML,
- added GraphViz::Remote so that you do not need to install
the graphviz tools to use this module
0.10 Mon Mar 5 17:32:14 GMT 2001
- now allow simple add_edge({$from => $to}) syntax
(idea by DJ Adams and Brian Ingerson)
- much better documentation (especially on attributes)
- new module Parse::RecDescent::GraphViz (and example) for
graphing Parse::RecDescent grammars (idea by Damian Conway)
- new module XML::GraphViz (and example) for graphing XML
- new module Data::GraphViz (and example) for graphing data
- new example ppmgraph.pl by Marcel Grunauer which graphs CPAN
tarball dependencies using ActiveState's package list (thanks
to Brian Ingerson too ;-)
- new, better, testsuite
- better quoting (especially in ports) to allow a greater range
of characters
- new undocumented (it may change) as_graph method, which
returns a graph object with the coordinates of nodes and edges
0.09 Fri Jan 12 15:50:17 GMT 2001
- moved back to "dot" and "neato" from "dotneato"
- now allow directed and undirected graphs
- added GraphViz::No and GraphViz::Small subclasses
which aid in visualising the structure of large
0.08 Sun Dec 3 15:15:29 GMT 2000
- minor patch to cope with DESTROY
0.07 Sun Oct 1 15:19:55 2000
- new features: allows clusters and ports
- includes the talk I gave on this at yapc::Europe 19100
- many more examples (well, see the examples directory!),
including quite a few PNGs
0.06 Thu Aug 24 09:33:21 2000
- better quoting of nodes and edges (they can now have
really wierd names)
- new examples directory with xref.pl: "graphing subroutine
cross-reference reports for Perl modules" and example graph to
see what kind of things it can do
0.05 Wed Aug 18 13:12:25 2000
- now use dotneato to layout the graphs and can now ouput in a
variety of file formats
0.04 Wed Aug 9 16:14:35 2000
- first released version