2008-04-20 Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch@gmx.de>
* Makefile.PL: Build fix from Yaakov.
2004/10/29 17:56 (-0400) rwmcfa1
* examples/example.pl.simple: initial import of OpenGL::Simple example
ported by SilvioCVdeAlmeida.
2004/10/28 20:12 (-0400) rwmcfa1
* README, NEWS, Makefile.PL, GLExt.pm: beta release 0.90
2004/10/24 11:55 (-0400) rwmcfa1
* MANIFEST.SKIP: updates
* perl-Gtk2-GLExt.spec.in: new scheme that addresses x86_64 problems
found by Carl Nygard
2004/04/06 21:13 (-0500) muppetman
* GLExt.pm: alpha release 0.02
new files
* xs/GtkGLExt.xs: pod
* Makefile.PL: modernize the build system
* xs/GdkGLConfig.xs, xs/GdkGLPixmap.xs, xs/GdkGLWindow.xs: fix pod
and incompatible pointer type warnings
* xs/GdkGLQuery.xs: hush unused parameter warnings
* xs/GtkGLWidget.xs: there is no Gtk2::Gdk::GLExt::Interface package,
don't put it into @ISA. remove redundant names on the =for apidoc
directives -- these are ignored, anyway.
* AUTHORS: put names in proper order -- ross did most of the work
on this extension.
2004/02/26 17:31 (-0500) muppetman
* Makefile.PL: remove a no-op
2004/01/24 21:44 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: removed runtime_reqs stuff, replaced by the pkg-config
* perl-Gtk2-GLExt.spec.in: use pkg-config for Requires version
2004/01/02 15:09 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: rpm stuff added
* perl-Gtk2-GLExt.spec.in: initial import, broken b/c there's no rpms
for it
2003/11/24 21:59 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* bunch: patches by Bjarne Steinsbø applied
2003/11/16 14:55 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* all: initial import, working, but incomplete