use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

my $struct = {
   username => 'Joe Blow',
   occupation => 'Programmer',
   tags => ['Perl', 'programming', 'Moose' ],
   employer => {
      name => 'TechTronix',
      country => 'Utopia',
   options => {
      flags => {
         opt_in => 1,
         email => 0,
      cc_cards => [
            type => 'Visa',
            number => '4248999900001010',
            type => 'MasterCard',
            number => '4335992034971010',
   addresses => [
         street => 'First Street',
         city => 'Prime City',
         country => 'Utopia',
         id => 0,
         street => 'Second Street',
         city => 'Secondary City',
         country => 'Graustark',
         id => 1,
         street => 'Third Street',
         city => 'Tertiary City',
         country => 'Atlantis',
         id => 2,

   package Structured::Form;
   use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
   extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

   has_field 'username';
   has_field 'occupation';
   has_field 'tags' => ( type => 'Repeatable' );
   has_field 'tags.contains' => ( type => 'Text' );
   has_field 'employer' => ( type => 'Compound' );
   has_field '';
   has_field '';
   has_field 'options' => ( type => 'Compound' );
   has_field 'options.flags' => ( type => 'Compound' );
   has_field 'options.flags.opt_in' => ( type => 'Boolean' );
   has_field '' => ( type => 'Boolean' );
   has_field 'options.cc_cards' => ( type => 'Repeatable' );
   has_field 'options.cc_cards.type';
   has_field 'options.cc_cards.number';
   has_field 'addresses' => ( type => 'Repeatable' );
   has_field 'addresses.street';
   has_field '';
   has_field '';
   has_field '';


# test structured params
my $form = Structured::Form->new;
ok( $form, 'form created' );
$form->process( params => $struct );
is( $form->result->num_results, 6, 'correct number of results' );
ok( $form->validated, 'form validated');
is_deeply( $form->field('tags')->value, ['Perl', 'programming', 'Moose' ],
   'list field tags has right values' );
is( $form->field('')->value, 'Prime City', 'get address field OK' );
is( $form->field('options.flags.opt_in')->value, 1, 'get opt_in flag');
# test structured init_object/item
my $form2 = Structured::Form->new;
ok( $form2, 'form created' );
$form2->process( init_object => $struct, params => {} );
is( $form2->result->num_results, 6, 'correct number of results' );
ok( !$form2->validated, 'form validated');
is_deeply( $form2->field('employer')->item, { name => 'TechTronix', country => 'Utopia', }, 'has item');
is_deeply( $form2->field('addresses')->item, $struct->{addresses}, 'item for repeatable' );

my $fif = {
   '' => 'Prime City',
   '' => 'Utopia',
   '' => 0,
   'addresses.0.street' => 'First Street',
   '' => 'Secondary City',
   '' => 'Graustark',
   '' => 1,
   'addresses.1.street' => 'Second Street',
   '' => 'Tertiary City',
   '' => 'Atlantis',
   '' => 2,
   'addresses.2.street' => 'Third Street',
   '' => 'Utopia',
   '' => 'TechTronix',
   'occupation' => 'Programmer',
   'options.cc_cards.0.number' => '4248999900001010',
   'options.cc_cards.0.type' => 'Visa',
   'options.cc_cards.1.number' => '4335992034971010',
   'options.cc_cards.1.type' => 'MasterCard',
   '' => 0,
   'options.flags.opt_in' => 1,
   'tags.0' => 'Perl',
   'tags.1' => 'programming',
   'tags.2' => 'Moose',
   'username' => 'Joe Blow'

is_deeply( $form->fif, $fif, 'fif is correct' );
$form->process( $fif );
ok( $form->validated, 'form processed from fif' );
is_deeply( $form->values, $struct, 'values round-tripped from fif');

# works with item and params
$form2->process( item => $struct, params => $fif );
ok( $form2->validated, 'form processed from fif' );
is( $form2->result->num_results, 6, 'correct number of results' );
is_deeply( $form2->field('employer')->item, { name => 'TechTronix', country => 'Utopia', }, 'has item');
is_deeply( $form2->field('addresses')->item, $struct->{addresses}, 'item for repeatable' );
