Revision history for Perl module HTML::Gumbo

0.18 2018-06-23

    - fix HTML escaping when parsing to string, RT#125227
      thanks to Jim Brandt

0.17 2015-01-13

    - fix for threaded perl

0.16 2016-01-12

    - fragments parsing
    - fix unreferenced scalar error with 'tree' format

0.14 2015-12-28

    - croak in case we don't know what to do

0.13 2014-07-17

    - Additional fix for threaded perl

0.12 2013-10-09

    - perl 5.10 compatibility

0.11 2013-10-09

    - use c89 scoping of iterator in for loops
    - fixes for threaded perls
    - skip test if HTML::TreeBuilder is not installed

0.1 2013-09-30

    - first release to CPAN