# This Makefile.PL for HTML-Parser was generated by
# Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Awesome 0.49.
# Don't edit it but the dist.ini and plugins used to construct it.

use strict;
use warnings;

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
  "ABSTRACT" => "HTML parser class",
  "AUTHOR" => "Gisle Aas <gaas\@cpan.org>",
    "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => "6.52"
  "DISTNAME" => "HTML-Parser",
  "LICENSE" => "perl",
  "NAME" => "HTML::Parser",
  "PREREQ_PM" => {
    "Carp" => 0,
    "Exporter" => 0,
    "HTML::Tagset" => 0,
    "HTTP::Headers" => 0,
    "IO::File" => 0,
    "URI" => 0,
    "URI::URL" => 0,
    "XSLoader" => 0,
    "strict" => 0
    "Config" => 0,
    "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => 0,
    "File::Spec" => 0,
    "IO::File" => 0,
    "SelectSaver" => 0,
    "Test::More" => 0,
    "URI" => 0,
    "strict" => 0
  "VERSION" => "3.83",
  "test" => {
    "TESTS" => "t/*.t"

%WriteMakefileArgs = (
    H => [ qw(hparser.h hctype.h tokenpos.h pfunc.h hparser.c util.c) ],

my %FallbackPrereqs = (
  "Carp" => 0,
  "Config" => 0,
  "Exporter" => 0,
  "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => 0,
  "File::Spec" => 0,
  "HTML::Tagset" => 0,
  "HTTP::Headers" => 0,
  "IO::File" => 0,
  "SelectSaver" => 0,
  "Test::More" => 0,
  "URI" => 0,
  "URI::URL" => 0,
  "XSLoader" => 0,
  "strict" => 0

unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.63_03') } ) {
  delete $WriteMakefileArgs{TEST_REQUIRES};
  delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES};
  $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM} = \%FallbackPrereqs;

delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}
  unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) };
