Revision history for Perl extension HTML::SiteTear.
1.46 2016-02-10
    * Fixed error when a path which does not exist passed to copy_to.
    * Fixed typo in documents
1.45 2016-02-08
    * Fixed : collision of target filenames cause a former file is will be
      overwrited by a later one.
        * A file name of the later file will be renamed automatically to
          avoid file name collision.
    * Fixed error when a relative directory path is given as a destination.
    * Support embed and param tags.
    * Suppressed decoding entities in attribuites.
    * Cleanup code.

1.44 2009-05-17
    * fix an error when a relative directory path is give as a source.

1.43 2009-05-16
    * Use URI::file's abs instead of File::Spec->rel2abs.
    * new method can accept a directory as an argument. in this case, 
      all html files will be targets.
    * add '.xhtml' as html suffixes
    * copy_to can accept directory path
    * add error handling when output file can't be open
1.42 2007-08-09
    * fix a problem related with fgrament of URI.
1.41 2007-08-07
    * fix a problem of fgrament of URI is dropped.

1.4 2007-06-01
    * add compatibility to XHTML
    * process with taking account of <base> tag
    * use URI module instead of File::Spec to convert link path.
        * HTML::SiteTear may work on non-unix platform.

1.3 2007-03-05
    * First version to update CPAN