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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ICC::Profile::clro test module / 2018-03-31
# Copyright © 2004-2020 by William B. Birkett
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 8;
# local variables
my ($temp, $fh, $clro1, $clro2, $seq, $ttab);
# test if module loads
BEGIN { use_ok('ICC::Profile::clro') };
# test class methods
can_ok('ICC::Profile::clro', qw(new new_fh write_fh size sequence sdump));
# create new clro object
$clro1 = ICC::Profile::clro->new();
# test clro object class
isa_ok($clro1, 'ICC::Profile::clro');
# set colorant sequence
$clro1->sequence([0, 1, 2, 3]);
# get colorant sequence
$seq = $clro1->sequence();
# test sequence array
is_deeply($seq, [0, 1, 2, 3], 'clro get/set sequence');
# create new clro object
$clro2 = ICC::Profile::clro->new([0, 1, 2, 3]);
# test if clro objects are identical
is_deeply($clro1, $clro2, 'clro new from array');
# test size method
ok($clro1->size == (12 + 4), 'clro size');
# open temporary file for write-read access, binmode
$temp = File::Temp::tempfile();
# make tag table entry
$ttab = ['clro', 100, 0, 0];
# write clro object to file
$clro1->write_fh(0, $temp, $ttab);
# read new clro object from file
$clro2 = ICC::Profile::clro->new_fh(0, $temp, $ttab);
# close file
close $temp;
# test object header signature
ok($clro2->[0]{'signature'} eq 'clro', 'clro object header signature');
# clear object header
$clro2->[0] = {};
# test if clro objects are identical
is_deeply($clro1, $clro2, 'clro object round-trip');
##### more tests needed #####