Revision history for IPsonar

0.0    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.01    Date/time
        Start adding POD, clean up module name

0.15    Correct the code snippet.

0.16    Change the tests so that we skip the ones that require
        access to a report server when one isn't available.
        Also tweak the example and note that "Lumeta" and 
        "IPsonar" are registered marks of the Lumeta Corporation.

0.17    Fix the Makefile to reflect "MIME::Base64" instead of "Mime::Base64"

0.18    Add a usage section to the POD, start fleshing out the method

0.19    Clean up the POD directives to make pod2html happy.

0.22    Fix cpantesters errors about //= and the connection
        refused message under windows.

0.23    Fix the same connection refused message in 001a_setup.t

0.24    Adds a function to setup a connection to a local report server (which doesn't need a password)
        Fixes paging in cases where IPsonar doesn't return the number of rows it says it will.
        Also allow us to run under XML::Simple qw(:strict)

0.25    Fix a bug (introduced on 0.24) that caused the module to return array refs

0.27    Add "reports" convenience method to quickly get a list of reports

0.28    Fix the reports unit test around timestamps (use gmtime, not localtime which obviously failed
        tests everywhere but this timezone).

0.29    Make fixes to how I handle test data to properly work in the face of the effectively random
        hash order introduced in perl 5.18

0.30    Change test for connecting to non-existent RSN to make the test pass as long as we croak.
        I'm not trying to match on the error message as it's OS dependent.

0.31    Make the above change for 001a_setup.t where it's also needed.