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[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 12.03
[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] Warning - Warning: [minor] Ignored extra byte at start of EXIF extension
[File, System, Other] FileName - File Name: BPG.bpg
[File, System, Other] Directory - Directory: t/images
[File, System, Other] FileSize - File Size: 1863 bytes
[File, System, Time] FileModifyDate - File Modification Date/Time: 2016:07:07 11:21:11-04:00
[File, System, Time] FileAccessDate - File Access Date/Time: 2020:07:29 09:04:00-04:00
[File, System, Time] FileInodeChangeDate - File Inode Change Date/Time: 2017:12:27 12:00:59-05:00
[File, System, Other] FilePermissions - File Permissions: rw-r--r--
[File, File, Other] FileType - File Type: BPG
[File, File, Other] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: bpg
[File, File, Other] MIMEType - MIME Type: image/bpg
[File, File, Image] 4 - Pixel Format: 4:2:2 (chroma at 0.5, 0)
[File, File, Image] 4.1 - Alpha: No Alpha Plane
[File, File, Image] 4.2 - Bit Depth: 8
[File, File, Image] 4.3 - Color Space: YCbCr (BT 601)
[File, File, Image] 4.4 - Flags: Extension Present
[File, File, Image] 6 - Image Width: 16
[File, File, Image] 7 - Image Height: 16
[File, File, Image] 8 - Image Length: 0
[File, File, Image] ExifByteOrder - Exif Byte Order: Little-endian (Intel, II)
[EXIF, IFD0, Camera] 271 - Make: Canon
[EXIF, IFD0, Camera] 272 - Camera Model Name: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 274 - Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 282 - X Resolution: 180
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 283 - Y Resolution: 180
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 296 - Resolution Unit: inches
[EXIF, IFD0, Time] 306 - Modify Date: 2003:10:31 15:44:19
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 531 - Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 33434 - Exposure Time: 1/60
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 33437 - F Number: 5.6
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 34855 - ISO: 100
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 36864 - Exif Version: 0220
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Time] 36867 - Date/Time Original: 2003:10:31 15:44:19
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Time] 36868 - Create Date: 2003:10:31 15:44:19
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37121 - Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37377 - Shutter Speed Value: 1/60
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37378 - Aperture Value: 5.6
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37380 - Exposure Compensation: 0
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37385 - Flash: On, Fired
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37386 - Focal Length: 55.0 mm
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37510 - User Comment:
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40960 - Flashpix Version: 0100
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40961 - Color Space: sRGB
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40962 - Exif Image Width: 2048
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40963 - Exif Image Height: 3072
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41486 - Focal Plane X Resolution: 3442.016807
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41487 - Focal Plane Y Resolution: 3443.946154
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41488 - Focal Plane Resolution Unit: inches
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 41985 - Custom Rendered: Normal
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41986 - Exposure Mode: Auto
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41987 - White Balance: Auto
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41990 - Scene Capture Type: Standard
[XMP, XMP-x, Document] xmptk - XMP Toolkit: Image::ExifTool 10.22
[XMP, XMP-exif, Image] ComponentsConfiguration - Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
[XMP, XMP-tiff, Image] YCbCrPositioning - Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 4 - Profile CMM Type: Adobe Systems Inc.
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 8 - Profile Version: 2.1.0
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 12 - Profile Class: Display Device Profile
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 16 - Color Space Data: RGB
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 20 - Profile Connection Space: XYZ
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Time] 24 - Profile Date Time: 1999:06:03 00:00:00
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 36 - Profile File Signature: acsp
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 40 - Primary Platform: Apple Computer Inc.
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 44 - CMM Flags: Not Embedded, Independent
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 48 - Device Manufacturer: none
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 52 - Device Model:
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 56 - Device Attributes: Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 64 - Rendering Intent: Perceptual
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 68 - Connection Space Illuminant: 0.9642 1 0.82491
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 80 - Profile Creator: Adobe Systems Inc.
[ICC_Profile, ICC-header, Image] 84 - Profile ID: 0
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] cprt - Profile Copyright: Copyright 1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] desc - Profile Description: Adobe RGB (1998)
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] wtpt - Media White Point: 0.95045 1 1.08905
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] bkpt - Media Black Point: 0 0 0
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] rTRC - Red Tone Reproduction Curve: (Binary data 14 bytes)
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] gTRC - Green Tone Reproduction Curve: (Binary data 14 bytes)
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] bTRC - Blue Tone Reproduction Curve: (Binary data 14 bytes)
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] rXYZ - Red Matrix Column: 0.60974 0.31111 0.01947
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] gXYZ - Green Matrix Column: 0.20528 0.62567 0.06087
[ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile, Image] bXYZ - Blue Matrix Column: 0.14919 0.06322 0.74457
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-Aperture - Aperture: 5.6
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-ImageSize - Image Size: 16x16
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-Megapixels - Megapixels: 0.000256
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Exif-ScaleFactor35efl - Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent: 1.6
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-ShutterSpeed - Shutter Speed: 1/60
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Exif-CircleOfConfusion - Circle Of Confusion: 0.019 mm
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-FOV - Field Of View: 23.3 deg
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Exif-FocalLength35efl - Focal Length: 55.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 87.4 mm)
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Exif-HyperfocalDistance - Hyperfocal Distance: 28.56 m
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-LightValue - Light Value: 10.9