[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 12.42
[File, System, Other] FileName - File Name: PostScript.eps
[File, System, Other] Directory - Directory: t/images
[File, System, Other] FileSize - File Size: 11 kB
[File, System, Time] FileModifyDate - File Modification Date/Time: 2019:12:04 21:22:58-05:00
[File, System, Time] FileAccessDate - File Access Date/Time: 2022:06:01 14:16:49-04:00
[File, System, Time] FileInodeChangeDate - File Inode Change Date/Time: 2022:01:12 18:02:53-05:00
[File, System, Other] FilePermissions - File Permissions: -rw-r--r--
[File, File, Other] FileType - File Type: EPS
[File, File, Other] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: eps
[File, File, Other] MIMEType - MIME Type: application/postscript
[File, File, Image] CurrentIPTCDigest - Current IPTC Digest: 9e02efbd9bdc1dc192279e30a0e27323
[PostScript, PostScript, Image] Creator - Creator: Adobe Photoshop Version 7.0.1
[PostScript, PostScript, Image] Title - Title: c.eps
[PostScript, PostScript, Time] CreationDate - Create Date: 7/18/05 2:33 PM
[PostScript, PostScript, Image] BoundingBox - Bounding Box: 0 0 8 8
[PostScript, PostScript, Image] ImageData - Image Data: 8 8 8 3 1 8 2 "beginimage"
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 0 - Application Record Version: 2
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 120 - Caption-Abstract: A witty caption
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 122 - Writer-Editor: I wrote it
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 105 - Headline: No headline
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 40 - Special Instructions: What instructions
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 80 - By-line: Phil Harvey
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 85 - By-line Title: My Position
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 110 - Credit: My Credit
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 115 - Source: I'm the source
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 5 - Object Name: Test IPTC picture
[IPTC, IPTC, Time] 55 - Date Created: 2004:02:26
[IPTC, IPTC, Location] 90 - City: Kingston
[IPTC, IPTC, Location] 95 - Province-State: Ont
[IPTC, IPTC, Location] 101 - Country-Primary Location Name: Canada
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 103 - Original Transmission Reference: What is a transmission reference
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 15 - Category: 1
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 20 - Supplemental Categories: amazing, image, utilities
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 10 - Urgency: 8 (least urgent)
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 25 - Keywords: ExifTool, Test, XMP
[IPTC, IPTC, Author] 116 - Copyright Notice: Copyright 2004 Phil Harvey
[Photoshop, Photoshop, Image] 1061 - IPTC Digest: 9e02efbd9bdc1dc192279e30a0e27323
[XMP, XMP-x, Document] xmptk - XMP Toolkit: XMP toolkit 2.8.2-33, framework 1.5
[XMP, XMP-rdf, Document] about - About: uuid:b691db36-f92a-11d9-99a4-8c8e8269c120
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Author] AuthorsPosition - Authors Position: My Position
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Author] CaptionWriter - Caption Writer: I wrote it
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] Category - Category: 1
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Location] City - City: Kingston
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Location] Country - Country: Canada
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Author] Credit - Credit: My Credit
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Time] DateCreated - Date Created: 2004:02:26
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] Headline - Headline: No headline
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] Instructions - Instructions: What instructions
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Author] Source - Source: I'm the source
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Location] State - State: Ont
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] TransmissionReference - Transmission Reference: What is a transmission reference
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] Urgency - Urgency: 8 (least urgent)
[XMP, XMP-photoshop, Image] SupplementalCategories - Supplemental Categories: amazing, image, utilities
[XMP, XMP-xmpBJ, Other] JobRefName - Job Ref Name: My Job
[XMP, XMP-xmpMM, Other] DocumentID - Document ID: adobe:docid:photoshop:cbcc2a62-f127-11d9-ac4d-e8be6f73552e
[XMP, XMP-dc, Author] creator - Creator: Phil Harvey
[XMP, XMP-dc, Image] description - Description: A witty caption
[XMP, XMP-dc, Author] rights - Rights: Copyright 2004 Phil Harvey
[XMP, XMP-dc, Image] title - Title: Test IPTC picture
[XMP, XMP-dc, Image] subject - Subject: ExifTool, Test, XMP
[Composite, Composite, Image] PostScript-ImageHeight - Image Height: 8
[Composite, Composite, Image] PostScript-ImageWidth - Image Width: 8
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-ImageSize - Image Size: 8x8
[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-Megapixels - Megapixels: 0.000064