0.59 2025-02-24
- eXif, hIST tests switched off for libpng version 1.6.47 or above
0.58 2024-01-27
- Remove documentation for any2gray8 (does not exist)
- Support for zlib-ng different compression behaviour
- Maintainer email set to non-CPAN address
0.57 2021-04-27
- Remove export of "shift" causing bugs in dependent modules
- Remove any2gray (is now in Image::PNG::Data)
- Remove undocumented "get_row_pointers" method
0.56 2020-12-23
- Fix for memory bug within split_alpha
0.55 2020-12-21
- Add README to distribution
- Bugs in transform fixed
-- Always call png_read_update_info before reading image data
- New "any2gray8" converts any kind of PNG file to an 8-bit gray one
- Document read_update_info
- Add support for (g|s)et_chunk_malloc_max
0.54 2020-12-19
- Implement the histogram part of set_quantize
- set_hIST error handling changed to check values and warn within Perl
- Automatically test against old versions of libpng before release
0.53 2020-12-16
- Support png_(g|s)et_(cHRM_XYZ|chunk_cache_max)
- Support png_set_(background|rgb_to_gray|quantize); add examples
- Add create_(reader|writer), color_type_channels convenience functions
- Support partial read functions png_(read|write)_(end|image|info)
- Support transform functions png_set_(.*) where possible
- init_io made safer
- Set palette chunk bugs fixed
- split_alpha internals simplified, doc changed
0.52 2020-12-13
- Bug fixes for iTXt, sCAL chunk tests
- Documentation tidied up
0.50 2020-12-12
- "set_text" issues errors for bad text chunks
- Unify testing of libpng version
- Better tests of setting and getting of tIME chunk
- Round-trip tests for previously-untested pCAL, oFFs, hIST chunks
- get_pCAL now works (was faulty)
- Doc corrections for get_cHRM, oFFs, pHYs chunks
- libpng_supports expanded to cover all macros in libpng 1.6.37
- DIAGNOSTICS section removed from documentation
- Functions, chunk names, etc. in alphabetical order in doc
- Doc "PNG Timestamps" to "tIME", "Palette" to "PLTE"
- get_sBIT no longer writes zeros to empty fields
- Unimplemented but documented "get_color_type" function implemented
- set_PLTE_pointer method removed
- Add read_struct function
0.49 2020-12-10
- Allow user to set compression level
- Add set_compression_* and set_text_compression_*
- Support the "lang" and "lang_key" fields of text chunks
- Remove undocumented "language_tag" and "translated_key" for text chunks
- Documentation work
- Skip all iTXt tests for versions of libpng up to 1.6.3
0.48 2020-11-22
- Makefile.PL and printf fixes
- Add ppport.h to distribution
0.47 2020-09-17
- Added "split_alpha"
0.46 2018-09-15
- Change set_rows to copy the data
- Bug fix for Strawberry Perl builds
- Documentation
0.45 2018-01-04
- Provisional support for png_set_compression_level removed
- Documentation of two undocumented functions and a bug
- Documentation of pnginspect
0.44 2017-06-28
- Revert back to old method of detecting libpng, discard Devel::CheckLib
0.43 2016-02-27
- Documents png_compare function
- Documents pnginspect script
0.42 2016-02-18
- Adds "png_compare", a function to compare image data in two PNGs
- Removes reference to mailing list from metadata
- Fixes documentation internal links
0.41 2015-09-26
* Remove broken image, download, and mailing list links from documentation.
* Simplify documentation (excessive headings).
0.40 2015-09-26
* Fixes bug related to use of memory after freeing.
0.39 2014-10-17
* Fixes bugs related to 64 bit systems (ARC)
0.38 2014-08-17
* Compilation guards for various kinds of libpng.
* More tests for libpng support in libpng_supports.
0.37 2014-04-27
* Fixup for too-modern test (used s///r flag)
* "get_IHDR" no longer returns "compression_method" and
"filter_method" (always 0)
* Some documentation cleanup.
0.36 2014-04-26
* Implements get_sBIT, set_sBIT (previously incorrectly implemented)
* Implements get_tRNS, set_tRNS (previously unimplemented)
* Distribution now includes testing over all valid members of "PngSuite"
for copy-correctness of "copy_png".
0.35 2014-04-26
* Fix bug caused by premature freeing of memory due to changes in
version 0.34. "copy_png" should be OK again.
0.34 2014-04-11
* Plug memory leak
0.33 2014-02-21
* New functions "set_row_pointers" and "set_image_data" for access to
low-level PNG structures.
0.32 2014-02-14
* Changes to a C file to compile successfully on SunOS/Solaris
* Remove DESTROY accidentally included in EXPORTS_OK (causes serious problems)
0.31 2014-02-11
* Changes to XS access routines "get_internals", "copy_row_pointers".
* This supports "Image::PNG::Cairo" version 0.06 but not earlier versions.
0.30 2014-02-11
* Support sCAL chunk.
* use warnings, use strict in main module.
* "libpng_supports" added pCAL and sCAL to testable options.
* "set_text" now has a default compression of
PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE, so the field "compression" doesn't have
to be specified for every text chunk.
* New function "copy_png" for copying chunks from a read PNG to a write PNG.
* Support sPLT chunk (experimental).
* Fix bug where some PNG constants (PNG_FILLER_AFTER etc.) were lost.
0.29 2014-02-11
* As 0.30 except bug fixes were not fully applied.
0.28 2014-01-23
* Memory handling changed for the benefit of Image::PNG::Cairo.
0.27 2014-01-21
* Change "supports" to "libpng_supports" and add "tEXt", "zTXt"
* Try to detect broken libpngs and skip text tests for them.
0.26 2014-01-21
* Skip text tests for people without libpng text support.
0.25 2014-01-21
* Use the "official libpng" test PNG files for testing (previous files
had bugs in them, leading to obscure test failures.)
0.24 2014-01-21
* Fix errors in gAMA.t causing test failures
* Open internals for the sake of Image::PNG::Cairo.
0.23 2014-01-20
* "read_from_scalar" now has a return value & doesn't require
create_read_struct to be called.
* Documentation clarified.
0.22 2014-01-19
* Change Image::PNG::Libpng::Const back to Image::PNG::Const.
* Minor fixes in documentation, etc.
0.21 2014-01-18
* Split from Image::PNG
0.20 2013-03-12
* Use Devel::CheckLib to check for png library.
* Fix up for bug on Windows multithreaded.
0.19 2013-02-16
0.18 2013-02-15
0.17 2013-02-14
0.16 2012-04-18
0.15 2012-04-14
0.14 2012-04-14
0.13 2012-04-14
0.12 2012-04-14
0.11 2012-03-28
0.10 2012-03-26
0.09 2012-03-18
0.08 2011-06-02
0.07 2011-05-31
0.06 2011-05-24
0.05 2011-05-23
0.04 2011-05-23
0.03 2011-04-26
0.02 2011-04-21
0.01 2011-04-21