=head1 NAME
Irssi::Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module - Run Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module_s in Irssi
=head2 Loading the bot
# in Irssi
/script load bbbpm
=head2 Configure the storage
# in the shell
mkdir /home/user/botconfig.sto
# in irssi
/set bbbpm_store Storable:dir=/home/user/botconfig.sto
# reload the bot to activate new storage
/script load bbbpm
=head2 Correcting error in the storage config
/script load bbbpm
# now configure it again
=head2 Check loaded/available modules
=head2 Load module
!load Karma
=head2 Silence log level
/set bbbpm_loglevel warn
To keep compatibility with other implementations:
if ($self->bot->can('MULTINET') && $self->bot->MULTINET) {
Configure active network for upcoming commands:
local $self->bot->{conn_tag} = $network;
Check active network in C<said> hander:
my $network = $self->bot->{conn_tag};
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item * L<Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable>