Revision history for Perl CPAN distribution LWP-Simple-REST
- New internal interface
- New external interface
- Old interface still working
- Remove Data::Structure::Util
- Added Object Oriented Interface
0.092 2015-07-08 GONCALES
- Fixed JSON tests
0.091 2015-07-06 GONCALES
- Fixed server's port error. Each test have their specific port now.
0.09 2015-07-06 GONCALES
- Fixed the cpantesters error on server hardcoded port. Now it gets the server
port and make a request ( Bug #105670 ).
0.08 2015-07-06 GONCALES
- Added [GithubMeta] to dist.ini, so the dist metadata will contain
the github repo.
- Added [MetaJSON] to dist.ini, so releases will include a META.json file.
- Reformatted this file to have most recent entry first,
and adjusted formatting to match CPAN::Changes::Spec.
- Fix test issues ( Bug #105670 )
0.07 2015-07-03 GONCALES
- Fix some test bugs
0.06 2015-02-14 RECSKY
0.05 2015-02-09 RECSKY
0.04 2014-11-13 GONCALES
- This version includes the http_head method,
allowing to send HTTP HEAD request to a server
- Fixed the version
0.004 2014-11-13 GONCALES
0.003 2014-11-13 GONCALES
- Fixed the missing dependency prerequisite issue
0.002 2014-10-23 RECSKY
- Added Json requests and fix the old code
0.001 2014-09-20 GONCALES
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.