Revision history for Perl module Lingua::Stem::Any
0.05 2014-08-29
- Added support for Polish `pl` stemmer (first on CPAN) from
0.04 2014-08-27
- Added `nb` (Norwegian Bokmål) and `nn` (Norwegian Nynorsk) as aliases for
`no` (Norwegian) [issue #3]
- Removed attribute chaining, which was accidentally released in v0.04 but was
previously decided against [issue #6]
- Required Lingua::Stem::UniNE v0.08, containing a workaround for
Perl v5.13.10–v5.16.0 bug RT#113750 which caused the `fa` (Persian) stemmer
to clobber `$_` due to its use of the `charnames` pragma which uses the
previously buggy `re` pragma [issue #7]
0.03 2014-06-05
- Increased Perl version required from v5.6.0 to v5.8.1
- Set the `language` attribute default value to `en` (English), which was
previosly undefined by default yet required
- Added `cache` attribute (boolean) for enabling stem caching and `clear_cache`
method for clearing the stem cache
- Added `exceptions` attribute (hashref of hashrefs) for setting stemming
exceptions per language
- Added new source module Lingua::Stem::Patch with support for languages
`eo` (Esperanto) and `io` (Ido)
- Added support for additional Lingua::Stem::UniNE language `de` (German)
[issue #2]
- Integrated Travis CI, Devel::Cover, and Coveralls with GitHub repo [issue #4],
[issue #5]
0.02 2013-04-28
- Required Moo v1.1.0 because it supports non-reference scalars as default
0.01 2013-04-26
- First release
- Sources supported: Lingua::Stem::Snowball, Lingua::Stem::UniNE, Lingua::Stem