0.540 2019-01-09 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Re-upload to CPAN after removal in July 2017.
0.53 2016-03-16 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Replace JSON with JSON::MaybeXS.
0.52 2016-01-19 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Bump prereq versions to force updates: File::Write::Rotate to 0.29,
Log::Dispatch::FileWriteRotate to 0.04 [RT#110234].
0.51 2015-10-06 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Add Changes.OLD from the original/previous Log-Any-App
0.50 2015-10-06 (PERLANCAR)
- Don't assume the presence of Mojo/Server/Daemon.pm as being
daemon (false positive), because loading Mojo::UserAgent alone
will load this module.
- Debug the process of determining is_daemon.
0.49 2015-08-17 (PERLANCAR)
- Switch from Log::Any to Log::Any::IfLOG.
0.48 2015-06-08 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Re-release to show up in MetaCPAN index.
0.47 2014-12-05 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Use new name of renamed module SHARYANTO::IO::Socket::UNIX::Util
-> IO::Socket::UNIX::Util.
0.46 2014-07-06 (SHARYANTO)
- Add output type: unixsock.
- Add output type: array.
0.45 2014-06-03 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes.
- Rename distribution from Alt-Log-Any-App-FWR to Log-Any-App, since
this is now the only implementation of Log::Any::App. The old
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate-based Log::Any::App has been removed from
CPAN, leaving this File::Write::Rotate-based version. [RT#96162]
0.09 2014-05-16 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes.
- Replace File::Slurp with File::Slurp::Tiny in test suite.
0.08 2014-01-27 (SHARYANTO)
- Increase Log::Any::App version to 0.44.
- Add filtering options
0.07 2013-08-21 (SHARYANTO)
- Add LOG_ENV.
0.06 2013-01-18 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Synchronize Log::Any::App's version with
Log-Any-App's (0.43).
0.05 2012-12-28 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Update Log::Any::App version to sync with
0.04 2012-12-28 (SHARYANTO)
- Haven't passed buffer_size to Log::Dispatch::FileWriteRotate.
0.03 2012-12-28 (SHARYANTO)
- Support buffer_size for file output.
0.02 2012-12-28 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Move information about the alternate
implementation from Log::Any::App to Alt::Log::Any::App::FWR. Fix
0.01 2012-12-28 (SHARYANTO)
- First release as Alt-Log-Any-App-FWR. Renamed from Log-Any-App09.
Also, version number reset to 0.01 while Log::Any::App is back to 0.41
(now manually set instead of using # VERSION).
- See also Changes.OLD for the Changes of the original Log-Any-App.