Revision history for Log-Log4perl-Appender-TAP

0.05      2023-05-07 06:09:46 -0600
  - Documentation improvements

0.04      2017-08-07 20:50:57 -0400
  - Update documentation to reflect that we are now using
    Test2::API instead of Test::Builder (although still works
    with Test::Builder, so long as you have upgraded to

0.03      2016-05-19 08:29:24 -0400
  - Migrate internals and tests to Test2

0.02      2013-09-05 07:27:23 -0400
  - support perl 5.8 (possibly even 5.6)

0.01      2013-07-05 17:05:01 America/New_York
  - initial version