Revision history for Perl module Log::Reproducible

0.12.4 2016-01-26

  - Fix test that fails on windows machines and hangs elsewhere

0.12.3 2016-01-25

  - Improve tests
  - Add badges to README
  - Add table of contents to README
  - Update Travis-CI configuration with Perl versions up to 5.22
  - Add copyright and license information
  - Configure bumpversion

0.12.2 2016-01-25

  - Improve tests

0.12.1 2014-10-16

  - Log when an archive is reproduced
  - Fix perlr's notes w/ spaces bug
  - Force short multi-line notes to span lines
  - Use Travis-CI and
  - Use external version of first_index(), since no longer dependency-free

0.12.0 2014-06-18

  - Make Windows-friendly (at least Win7 w/ Strawberry Perl 5.18.2 & Git 1.9.4 via CMD)
  - Fix bug associated with Perl versions before 5.14 (introduced in 0.11.0)

0.11.2 2014-06-17

  - Spring cleaning

0.11.1 2014-06-17

  - Fix issue causing some tests to fail (at least on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)

0.11.0 2014-06-16

  - Create archive files in YAML format

0.10.0 2014-05-12

  - Archive versions of loaded Perl modules

0.9.2 2014-05-12

  - Add incrementing suffix to archive file if filename exists

0.9.1 2014-05-10

  - Add standalone 'perlr' for running scripts that don't use Log::Reproducible
  - Add placeholder for future note if repronote not defined

0.9.0 2014-04-21

  - Summarize differences between archived and current conditions when reproducing
  - Update how divider message works

0.8.2 2014-04-20

  - Check for known conflicting modules (e.g., ones that touch @ARGV upon import) loaded before Log::Reproducible
  - Check for potentially conflicting modules (e.g., ones that use @ARGV somehow) loaded before Log::Reproducible. Thanks to Ken Cotterill for his great code to accomplish this!

0.8.1 2014-04-13

  - Fix regular expression bugs

0.8.0 2014-04-13

  - Enable customization of command line options
  - Add more tests (and generate test coverage data)
  - Access `@ARGV` and `$dir` via refs

0.7.3 2014-04-04

  - Update 'Future Directions' in README

0.7.2 2014-04-04

  - Major refactor, including how current and archived info is stored/accessed
  - Fixed bug that resulted in 'uninitialized value' warning when reproducing

0.7.1 2014-04-02

  - Update README to include new features

0.7.0 2014-04-02

  - Archive Exit Code, Finished Date/Time, and Elapsed Time
  - Auto-generate README from POD only if Pod::Markdown is installed
  - Move and reformat divider line in archive
  - Fix script path

0.6.0 2014-03-30

  - Implement use of Module::Build
  - Archive Log::Reproducible version

0.5.1 2014-03-29

  - Archive environmental variables (%ENV)
  - Make compatible with Perl v5.8.X

0.5.0 2014-03-28

  - Prompt user to continue if inconsistencies found when reproducing
  - Add warnings to new archive

0.4.1 2014-03-25

  - Update README with Perl-related info and comparisons

0.4.0 2014-03-25

  - Add Perl info to archive. Thanks to David Cantrell for his improvements on this!
  - Compare archived vs current Perl/git info

0.3.0 2014-03-24

  - Archive/reproduce at import

0.2.1 2014-03-21

  - Update README

0.2.0 2014-03-21

  [Add archive comments]
    - Custom Note
    - Date/Time
    - Working/Script Directories
    - Git Repo Info

0.1.1 2014-03-11

  - Add tests
  - Fix issue when CLI option is multiple words surrounded by quotes

0.1.0 2014-03-07

  - Easily archive and reproduce Perl-based analyses