Revision history for Log-UDP-Server

0.40.0    2010-09-27 19:59:40 Europe/Oslo
	Migrated from Module::Install to Dist::Zilla
	Now uses Semantic Versioning (
	 - Hopefully 0.40.0 is equiv. to 0.04 (old-style)
	Improved some documentation.
	Changed from 'use constant' to 'use Readonly'.

0.03	2010-04-14
	Added minimum perl version required information.
	Upgraded to Module::Install 0.95.
	Now depends on Data-Serializable 0.03.

0.02	2009-05-12
	Missing undocumented constant DATAGRAM_MAXLEN in t/pod-coverage.t.

0.01    2009-05-12
        Initial version.