=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME



=head2 Non-blocking mode using L<Mojo::IOLoop>

=over 2

=item 1

Get a L<Mango> collection

    my $mango = Mango->new('mongodb://localhost:27017');
    my $collection = $mango->db('foo')->collection('bar');

=item 2

Create a L<MangoX::Queue>

    my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $collection);

=item 3

Add a job to the queue

    enqueue $queue 'job_name' => sub {
        my ($job_id) = @_;
        # ...

=item 4

Consume the queue to receive jobs

    my $consumer = consume $queue sub {
        my ($job) = @_;
        # ...

=item 5

Stop consuming the queue

    release $queue $consumer;

=item 6

Update the job status in the queue

    $job->{status} = 'Finished';
    update $queue $job => sub {
        my ($job) = @_;
        # ...

=item 7

Remove the job from the queue

    dequeue $queue $job => sub {
        # ...


=head2 Blocking mode

=over 2

=item 1

Get a L<Mango> collection

    my $mango = Mango->new('mongodb://localhost:27017');
    my $collection = $mango->db('foo')->collection('bar');

=item 2

Create a L<MangoX::Queue>

    my $queue = MangoX::Queue->new(collection => $collection);

=item 3

Add a job to the queue

    my $job_id = enqueue $queue 'job_name';

=item 4

Consume the queue to receive jobs

    while (my $job = consume $queue) {
        # ...

=item 5

Update the job status in the queue

    $job->{status} = 'Finished';
    my $job = update $queue $job;

=item 6

Remove the job from the queue

    dequeue $queue $job;
