Revision history for Perl extension Map::Tube::Lyon.

0.62.2 2025-02-17
  - Require Map::Tube 3.94 and adapt tests accordingly.
  - Remove support for Perl 5.10 because of test failing for Perl < 5.11.
  - Reorganised internal IDs for lines and stations.
  - Added two stations.
  - Fixed lines serving two stations.
  - Fixed line indices.
  - Enhanced tests.

0.62.1 2024-12-09
  - Added tests
  - Switched tests from deprecated XML::Simple to XML::Twig
    (also old, but also used by Map::Tube itself)

0.62.0 2024-11-11
  - Augmented data with per-line station indexes
  - Added RhoneExpress line
  - Added test for preferred route
  - Fixed test 02-xml.t
0.61.0 2024-11-05
  - Adapted for use with Map::Tube 3.77
  - Bumped Perl version to 5.10.0
  - Use semantic versioning
  - Added more tests
  - Added metro stations, updated some names
  - Added funiculars and tramways

0.07 2015-03-10
  - fixed MANIFEST.SKIP and tests to cope with ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.05+
    (thanks to Slaven's tireless research)

0.05 2015-02-25
  - expanded tests
  - expanded (based on hints by Slaven -- thanks!)
  - added more pod
  - fixed permissions problem again (Thanks Slaven!)

0.04 2015-02-24
  - cleaned up Makefile.PL and test scripts
  - use Test::Map::Tube
  - bumped Map::Tube version required to 2.87

0.03 2015-02-04
  - added line colours
  - modified t/03-xml.t for changed return value from Map::Tube 2.72
  - bumped minimum Map::Tube version to 2.72
  - fixed number of plans in t/01-xml.t
  - explicitly cast output from nodes() method to hash reference in t/02-xml.t

0.02 2015-01-22
  - fixed permissions problem. Fixed character set problem in abstract / META files.

0.01 2015-01-22
  - initial release