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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of Math-PlanePath.
# Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Math-PlanePath. If not, see <>.
use 5.004;
use strict;
use Test;
plan tests => 510;
use lib 't';
BEGIN { MyTestHelpers::nowarnings(); }
# uncomment this to run the ### lines
#use Smart::Comments;
my $want_version = 129;
ok ($Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings::VERSION, $want_version,
'VERSION variable');
ok (Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->VERSION, $want_version,
'VERSION class method');
ok (eval { Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->VERSION($want_version); 1 },
"VERSION class check $want_version");
my $check_version = $want_version + 1000;
ok (! eval { Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->VERSION($check_version); 1 },
"VERSION class check $check_version");
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new;
ok ($path->VERSION, $want_version, 'VERSION object method');
ok (eval { $path->VERSION($want_version); 1 },
"VERSION object check $want_version");
ok (! eval { $path->VERSION($check_version); 1 },
"VERSION object check $check_version");
# exact points
my $base_r3 = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new(step=>3)->{'base_r'};
my $base_r4 = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new(step=>4)->{'base_r'};
foreach my $elem (
# step=0 horizontal
[ [step=>0], 1, 0,0 ],
[ [step=>0], 2, 1,0 ],
[ [step=>0], 3, 2,0 ],
# step=1
[ [step=>1], 1, 0,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 1.25, 0,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 2, 1,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 2.25, 0.5,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 2.75, -0.5,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 3, -1,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 3.25, -0.5,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 3.75, 0.5,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 4, 2,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 7, 3,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 8, 0,3 ],
[ [step=>1], 9, -3,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 10, 0,-3 ],
[ [step=>1], 11, 4,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 16, 5,0 ],
[ [step=>1], 19, -5,0 ],
# step=2
[ [step=>2], 1, 0.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 2, -0.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 3, 1.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 4, 0, 1.5 ],
[ [step=>2], 5, -1.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 6, 0,-1.5 ],
[ [step=>2], 7, 2.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 10, -2.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 13, 3.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 17, -3.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 21, 4.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>2], 26, -4.5, 0 ],
# step=3
[ [step=>3], 1, $base_r3+1, 0 ],
[ [step=>3], 4, $base_r3+2, 0 ],
[ [step=>3], 7, -($base_r3+2), 0 ],
[ [step=>3], 10, $base_r3+3, 0 ],
[ [step=>3], 19, $base_r3+4, 0 ],
[ [step=>3], 25, -($base_r3+4), 0 ],
# step=4
[ [step=>4], 1, $base_r4+1, 0 ],
[ [step=>4], 2, 0, $base_r4+1 ],
[ [step=>4], 3, -($base_r4+1), 0 ],
[ [step=>4], 4, 0, -($base_r4+1) ],
[ [step=>4], 5, $base_r4+2, 0 ],
[ [step=>4], 7, 0, $base_r4+2 ],
[ [step=>4], 9, -($base_r4+2), 0 ],
[ [step=>4], 11, 0, -($base_r4+2) ],
# step=6
[ [step=>6], 1, 1, 0 ],
[ [step=>6], 4, -1, 0 ],
[ [step=>6], 7, 2, 0 ],
[ [step=>6], 13, -2, 0 ],
[ [step=>6,ring_shape=>'polygon'], 1, 1, 0 ],
[ [step=>6,ring_shape=>'polygon'], 4, -1, 0 ],
) {
my ($parameters, $n, $x, $y) = @$elem;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (@$parameters);
my $name = join(',',@$parameters);
# n_to_xy()
my ($got_x, $got_y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n);
if ($got_x == 0) { $got_x = 0 } # avoid "-0"
if ($got_y == 0) { $got_y = 0 }
ok ($got_x, $x, "$name n_to_xy() x at n=$n");
ok ($got_y, $y, "$name n_to_xy() y at n=$n");
# n_to_rsquared()
my $rsquared = $x*$x + $y*$y;
my @got_rsquared = $path->n_to_rsquared($n);
my $got_rsquared = $got_rsquared[0];
ok (scalar(@got_rsquared), 1);
ok (defined $got_rsquared, 1);
ok ($got_rsquared == $rsquared,
"$name n_to_rsquared() at n=$n want $rsquared got $got_rsquared");
# n_to_rsquared()
foreach my $elem (
# step=0
[ [step=>0], 1, 0*0 ],
[ [step=>0], 2, 1*1 ],
[ [step=>0], 2.5, 1.5*1.5 ],
[ [step=>0], 3, 2*2 ],
[ [step=>0], 4, 3*3 ],
# step=1
[ [step=>1], 1, 0*0 ], # origin R=0
[ [step=>1], 2, 1*1 ], # horiz, right R=1
[ [step=>1], 2.25, 0.5*0.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 2.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>1], 2.75, 0.5*0.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 3, 1*1 ], # left
[ [step=>1], 3.25, 0.5*0.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 3.5, 0 ],
[ [step=>1], 3.75, 0.5*0.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 4, 2*2 ], # triangle, right R=2
[ [step=>1], 4.5, 1*1 ],
[ [step=>1], 4.25, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 4.75, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 5, 2*2 ], # up R=2 at 120deg
[ [step=>1], 5.25, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 5.75, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 6, 2*2 ], # down R=2 at 240deg
[ [step=>1], 6.25, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 6.75, 7/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 7, 3*3 ], # square
[ [step=>1], 7.5, 4.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 7.25, 45/8 ],
[ [step=>1], 10, 3*3 ],
[ [step=>1], 10.5, 4.5 ],
[ [step=>1], 10.75, 45/8 ],
[ [step=>1], 16, 5*5 ], # hexagon
[ [step=>1], 16.25, 325/16 ],
[ [step=>1], 16.5, 75/4 ],
[ [step=>1], 21, 5*5 ],
[ [step=>1], 21.75, 325/16 ],
# step=6
[ [step=>6], 1, 1*1 ], # 1..6 inclusive
[ [step=>6], 6, 1*1 ],
# [ [step=>6], 6.75, undef ],
[ [step=>6], 7, 2*2 ], # 7..18 inclusive
[ [step=>6], 18, 2*2 ],
[ [step=>6], 19, 3*3 ], # 19..36 inclusive
[ [step=>6], 36, 3*3 ],
[ [step=>6,ring_shape=>'polygon'], 1, 1*1 ],
[ [step=>6,ring_shape=>'polygon'], 6, 1*1 ],
# [ [step=>6,ring_shape=>'polygon'], 7, undef ],
) {
my ($parameters, $n, $want_rsquared) = @$elem;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (@$parameters);
my $name = join(',',@$parameters);
my ($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy($n);
my $xy_rsquared = $x*$x + $y*$y;
ok (abs($xy_rsquared-$want_rsquared) < 0.0001);
my $got_rsquared = $path->n_to_rsquared($n);
my $got_rsquared_str = (defined $got_rsquared
? sprintf('%.22f', $got_rsquared)
: '[undef]');
my $want_rsquared_str = (defined $want_rsquared
? sprintf('%.22f', $want_rsquared)
: '[undef]');
ok (equal($got_rsquared,$want_rsquared), 1,
"$name n_to_rsquared() at n=$n got $got_rsquared_str want $want_rsquared_str");
my $got_radius = $path->n_to_radius($n);
my $got_radius_str = sprintf('%.22f', $got_radius);
my $want_radius = sqrt($want_rsquared);
my $want_radius_str = sprintf('%.22f', $want_radius);
if ($want_radius*$want_radius == $want_rsquared) {
ok (equal($got_radius,$want_radius), 1,
"$name n_to_radius() at n=$n got $got_radius_str want $want_radius_str");
} else {
ok (abs($got_radius-$want_radius) < 0.0001, 1,
"$name n_to_radius() at n=$n got $got_radius_str want $want_radius_str");
sub equal {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
return ((! defined $x && ! defined $y)
|| (defined $x && defined $y && $x == $y));
# _xy_to_angle_frac()
my @data = ([ 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, .25 ],
[ -1, 0, .5 ],
[ 0, -1, .75 ],
[ 0, 0, 0 ],
[ -0.0, -0.0, 0 ],
[ -0.0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -0.0, 0 ],
foreach my $elem (@data) {
my ($x, $y, $want) = @$elem;
my $got = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings::_xy_to_angle_frac($x,$y);
ok (abs ($got - $want) < 0.001,
"_xy_to_angle_frac() on x=$x,y=$y got $got want $want");
# n_start, x_negative(), y_negative()
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new;
ok ($path->n_start, 1, 'n_start()');
ok ($path->x_negative, 1, 'x_negative()');
ok ($path->y_negative, 1, 'y_negative()');
ok ($path->class_x_negative, 1, 'class_x_negative() instance method');
ok ($path->class_y_negative, 1, 'class_y_negative() instance method');
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => 0);
ok ($path->n_start, 1, 'n_start()');
ok (! $path->x_negative, 1, 'x_negative()');
ok (! $path->y_negative, 1, 'y_negative()');
ok ($path->class_x_negative, 1, 'class_x_negative() instance method');
ok ($path->class_y_negative, 1, 'class_y_negative() instance method');
my @pnames = map {$_->{'name'}}
ok (join(',',@pnames), 'step,ring_shape');
# xy_to_n()
my $step = 3;
my $n = 2;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
my ($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy($n);
$y -= .1;
### try: "n=$n x=$x,y=$y"
my $got_n = $path->xy_to_n($x,$y);
### $got_n
ok ($got_n, $n, "xy_to_n() back from n=$n at offset x=$x,y=$y");
# step=0 and step=1 centred on 0,0
# step=2 two on ring, rounds to the N=1
foreach my $step (0 .. 2) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0,0), 1, "xy_to_n(0,0) step=$step is 1");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(-0.0, 0), 1, "xy_to_n(-0,0) step=$step is 1");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0, -0.0), 1, "xy_to_n(0,-0) step=$step is 1");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(-0.0, -0.0), 1, "xy_to_n(-0,-0) step=$step is 1");
foreach my $step (3 .. 10) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0,0), undef,
"xy_to_n(0,0) step=$step is undef (nothing in centre)");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(-0.0, 0), undef,
"xy_to_n(-0,0) step=$step is undef (nothing in centre)");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0, -0.0), undef,
"xy_to_n(0,-0) step=$step is undef (nothing in centre)");
ok ($path->xy_to_n(-0.0, -0.0), undef,
"xy_to_n(-0,-0) step=$step is undef (nothing in centre)");
foreach my $step (0 .. 3) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0.1,0.1), 1,
"xy_to_n(0.1,0.1) step=$step is 1");
foreach my $step (4 .. 10) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
ok ($path->xy_to_n(0.1,0.1), undef,
"xy_to_n(0.1,0.1) step=$step is undef (nothing in centre)");
# rect_to_n_range()
foreach my $step (0 .. 10) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
my ($got_lo, $got_hi) = $path->rect_to_n_range(0,0,0,0);
ok ($got_lo >= 1,
1, "rect_to_n_range(0,0) step=$step is lo=$got_lo");
ok ($got_hi >= $got_lo,
1, "rect_to_n_range(0,0) step=$step want hi=$got_hi >= lo");
foreach my $step (0 .. 10) {
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MultipleRings->new (step => $step);
my ($got_lo, $got_hi) = $path->rect_to_n_range(-0.1,-0.1, 0.1,0.1);
ok ($got_lo >= 1,
1, "rect_to_n_range(0,0) step=$step is lo=$got_lo");
ok ($got_hi >= $got_lo,
1, "rect_to_n_range(0,0) step=$step want hi=$got_hi >= lo");
exit 0;