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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2012, 2013, 2015, 2020, 2021 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of Math-PlanePath.
# Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Math-PlanePath. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Check that OEIS A-numbers listed in lib/Math/PlanePath/Foo.pm files have
# code exercising them in one of the xt/oeis/*-oeis.t scripts.
# Check that A-numbers are not duplicated among the .pm files, since that's
# often a cut-and-paste mistake.
# Check that A-numbers are not duplicated within an xt/oeis/*-oeis.t script,
# since normally only need to exercise a claimed path sequence once. Except
# often that's not true since the same sequence can arise in separate ways.
# But for now demand duplication is either disguised there or explicitly
# listed here.
use 5.005;
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Test::More; # new in 5.6, so unless got it separately with 5.005
use List::Util 'uniqstr';
use lib 't','xt';
BEGIN { MyTestHelpers::nowarnings(); }
# uncomment this to run the ### lines
#use Smart::Comments;
plan tests => 1;
my $toplevel_dir = File::Spec->catdir ($FindBin::Bin, File::Spec->updir);
my $manifest_filename = File::Spec->catfile ($toplevel_dir, 'MANIFEST');
my $manifest = ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread ($manifest_filename);
my $bad = 0;
my $anum_re = qr/A\d{6,7}/;
my %allow_POD_duplicates
= (Corner => {A000290 => 1, # with different wider
A002378 => 1, # with different wider
A005563 => 1, # with different wider
A014206 => 1, # with different wider
A028552 => 1, # with different wider
DiamondSpiral => {A001105 => 1, # different n_start
CornerReplicate => {A139351 => 1, # in text and seq list
CoprimeColumns => {A002088 => 1, # different n_start
TerdragonCurve => {A057083 => 1, # two uses
AlternatePaper => {A062880 => 1, # arms=1 and arms=2
my %allow_checked_not_in_POD
= (Corner => {A000007 => 1, # left turn 1 at N=0 only
A063524 => 1, # left turn 1 at N=1 only
A185012 => 1, # left turn 1 at N=2 only
TriangleSpiralSkewed => {A081274 => 1, # duplicate of A038764
DragonCurve => {A059841 => 1, # 1,0 repeating not interesting
A000035 => 1, # 0,1 repeating
DiagonalRationals => {A060837 => 1, # checked in FactorRationals-oeis.t
# Entries like 'ZOrderCurve' => [ 'A000001', 'A000002', ... ]
my %path_seq_anums;
foreach my $seq_filename ('lib/Math/NumSeq/PlanePathCoord.pm',
) {
open my $fh, '<', $seq_filename or die "Cannot open $seq_filename";
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^\s*# OEIS-(Catalogue|Other):\s+($anum_re)([^#]+)/) {
my $anum = $2;
my @args = split /\s/, $3;
my %args = map { split /=/, $_, 2 } @args;
### %args
my $planepath_and_args = $args{'planepath'} || die "Oops, no planepath parameter";
my ($planepath, @planepath_args) = split /,/, $planepath_and_args;
push @{$path_seq_anums{$planepath}}, $anum;
foreach (values %path_seq_anums) {
@$_ = uniqstr(@$_);
my @module_filenames
= grep {m{^lib/Math/PlanePath/[^/]+\.pm$}} keys %$manifest;
@module_filenames = sort @module_filenames;
diag "module count ",scalar(@module_filenames);
my @path_names = map {m{([^/]+)\.pm$}
or die "Oops, unmatched module filename $_";
$1} @module_filenames;
sub path_pod_anums {
my ($planepath_name) = @_;
my $filename = "lib/Math/PlanePath/$planepath_name.pm";
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or die "Oops, cannot open module filename $filename";
my @ret;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^ +($anum_re)/) {
push @ret, $1;
return @ret;
sub path_checked_anums {
my ($planepath_name) = @_;
return (path_xt_anums ($planepath_name),
@{$path_seq_anums{$planepath_name} || []});
sub path_xt_anums {
my ($planepath_name) = @_;
my @ret;
my %seen;
foreach my $filename (File::Spec->catfile('xt','oeis',"$planepath_name-oeis.t"),
File::Spec->catfile('xt',"$planepath_name-hog.t")) {
open my $fh, '<', $filename or next;
while (<$fh>) {
my $anum;
# if (/^[^#]*\$anum = '($anum_re)'/mg) {
if (/^[^#]*'($anum_re)'/mg) {
$anum = $1;
} elsif (/^[^#]*anum => '($anum_re)'/mg) {
$anum = $1;
} else {
push @ret, $anum;
if ($seen{$anum}) {
print "$filename:$.: duplicate check, previous at line $seen{$anum}\n";
print "$filename:$seen{$anum}: ... previous here\n";
} else {
$seen{$anum} = $.;
return @ret;
# From among the argument strings, return those which appear more than once.
sub str_duplicates {
my %seen;
return map {$seen{$_}++ == 1 ? ($_) : ()} @_;
foreach my $planepath_name (@path_names) {
my @pod_anums = path_pod_anums ($planepath_name);
my @checked_anums = path_checked_anums ($planepath_name);
my %pod_anums = map {$_=>1} @pod_anums;
my %checked_anums = map {$_=>1} @checked_anums;
foreach my $anum (str_duplicates(@pod_anums)) {
next if $allow_POD_duplicates{$planepath_name}->{$anum};
diag "Math::PlanePath::$planepath_name $anum duplicated within POD";
@pod_anums = uniqstr(@pod_anums);
foreach my $anum (str_duplicates(@checked_anums)) {
next if $anum eq 'A000012'; # all ones
next if $anum eq 'A000027'; # 1,2,3 naturals
next if $anum eq 'A005408'; # odd 2n+1
diag "Math::PlanePath::$planepath_name $anum checked and also catalogued";
@checked_anums = uniqstr(@checked_anums);
diag "";
foreach my $anum (@pod_anums) {
next if $anum eq 'A191689'; # CCurve fractal dimension
if (! exists $checked_anums{$anum}) {
diag "Math::PlanePath::$planepath_name $anum in POD, not checked";
foreach my $anum (@checked_anums) {
next if $anum eq 'A000004'; # all zeros
next if $anum eq 'A000012'; # all ones
next if $anum eq 'A001477'; # integers 0,1,2,3
next if $anum eq 'A001489'; # negative integers 0,-1,-2,-3
next if $anum eq 'A000035'; # 0,1 reps
next if $anum eq 'A059841'; # 1,0 reps
next if $allow_checked_not_in_POD{$planepath_name}->{$anum};
if (! exists $pod_anums{$anum}) {
diag "Math::PlanePath::$planepath_name $anum checked, not in POD";
is ($bad, 0);
exit 0;