Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

Revision history for Math-Vec
1.01 2007-05-30
* bugfix #25373 "Imaginary numbers from InnerAngle()"
* bugfix #26925 "compatibility Makefile.PL writes no Makefile"
0.04 2006-06-04
* test 03 workaround for Exporter.pm transient bug
* Exporter rework
* fixed nit in compatibility Makefile.PL
0.03 2006-01-07
* Setup to run clean under 'use warnings'.
* Added overloading and :terse functions.
* More tests.
0.02 2006-01-04
* Fixed incorrect DotProduct() (thanks to Nao-Yuki Tanabe.)
* Added length != 0 check to Comp()
* First Public Release
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